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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2230.23 In reply to 2230.22 
Brian, Now that's a pose of an angry mother-bot or wife-bot if I ever saw one :)

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.24 In reply to 2230.23 
Why not?


EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.25 In reply to 2230.24 
Trying hard to find something to do when I don't know what I want to do!


EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.26 In reply to 2230.25 
Everyone sleeping in on New Years morning so I did a bit more rendering on the MoI Castle.

In Carrara. I think this is about all I need.

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 From:  -ash-
2230.27 In reply to 2230.26 
Look cool Brian. Happy New Year!


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 From:  WillBellJr
Very nice, Brian - looks like a tileable piece for a game or something.

Nice texturing.

...And Happy New Year! :-)

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.29 In reply to 2230.28 
Thanks mate--and to you

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.30 In reply to 2230.29 
Thanks to the inspiration from Grendel in the other thread.
Again, some great learning.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.31 In reply to 2230.30 
I have a dream!
(Are you all aware of Heath Robinson ?)


I have NO IDEA where this is going to lead but here is a first bit---

Our 55th wedding aniversary last Friday-----please have sympathy for my better half!

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.32 In reply to 2230.31 
This is a (wierd?) next stage idea development--well--maybe-- in the fullness of time!

M0I had some great difficulties with the file sizes! (next V2 beta will fix?)---so I went into Carrara to develop.

Quite mad-- I know---!!!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2230.33 In reply to 2230.32 
Hi Brian,

> M0I had some great difficulties with the file sizes! (next V2 beta
> will fix?)---so I went into Carrara to develop.

There are some updates for the next beta to handle some parts of large file sizes better, like performing transformations like dragging or mirroring large objects is much smoother on large objects now.

But if you are making a zillion copies of an object, that probably still won't work very well yet, you really need a program that does "instances" to do the best job of a tremendous number of copied objects. MoI still will not handle that part yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.34 In reply to 2230.33 

Sorry if that sounded as a "complaint"!

From what you have been saying, MoI will better handle larger file sizes in next up dates, but, even so, I would still not expect it to compare with, say, what can happen in the likes of Carrara with it's "Replicator"!--for a start

Maybe, I was highlighting, again, that Carrara is a great companion app to MoI!

Finger poised for the next beta

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2230.35 In reply to 2230.34 
Hi Brian, didn't sound like a complaint, sounded more like a feature request to me! :)

There are quite a few different features to add to improve large file handling, so it's kind of something that will improve in chunks as certain things get added over time.

This next beta actually has 2 pretty significant pieces though - one is that improved speed for transformation feedback, so things like mirroring or dragging large complex objects is smoother.

Then the other is a major speed increase in mesh export speed, including taking advantage of multiple CPU-cores for meshing.

These improvements should already help out quite a bit for heavier files, but they are kind of more oriented towards working on one big complex object though, making a huge number of copies of an object is kind of a different area.

To make a high number of duplicated objects work better requires a different function called "instances" where copies of an object just basically record a marker for where to place another duplicate of an existing base object, rather than having fully duplicate objects. I'm not sure exactly when I'll get a chance to work on this area, it may be a while before this one happens. Until then a tool that has support for this kind of function will definitely be a good companion to use for this particular kind of purpose.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.36 In reply to 2230.35 
Apps like Carrara can do those special things allready, it seems superflous to take up time in MoI's development that is not really necessary.

Some of the developments you plan don't excite me particullarly--not my current field of "modelling"?--but thats me!

As I think you aim, MoI is Special!--in it's area of expertise--it does not need to be made just another, complicated/ ho hum universal app.

Horses for cources?

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.37 In reply to 2230.36 
Is this showing any signs of sanity yet?

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.38 In reply to 2230.37 
Time for bed.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2230.39 In reply to 2230.38 
I have just done a complete remake of the Scout Belt Buckle I posted on the other thread.

Probably close to being "correct"

The file size is about 3MB if anyone wants.

(Carrara render)
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