WIP - Robot
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 From:  BurrMan
2223.10 In reply to 2223.9 
Also, Now that I see you're modeling with bone kinetics and such, I understand. Good luck, I'll watch for the model in the end.

"Break a tie rod"!
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 From:  WillBellJr
That's a great robot design but there wasn't many Robot Monsters from the 50's B movies.

If you had did Forbidden Planet's Robby or Gort from the Day the Earth Stood Still, that would have been instantly recognizable.

I was tempted to enter doing a Gort model since the remake is coming out soon with Keanu Reeves - can't wait for that.

The only robot monster I can think of but is so simple to do (unless you do an animated scene with it walking around with lightning bolts and all) is Kronos ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ErOqYD-i3Q )


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 From:  PaQ
2223.12 In reply to 2223.11 
Hi Will, that's my problem ... how having fun to build such a simple model, simplicity affraid me I guess :o)

Can't resit to do a quick render from the actual model ... still so many things to do :)
(Would love to find a way to match MoI camera to other 3D package camera, so I can use the cool Moi's wireframe over a g.i. render pass)

EDITED: 3 Feb 2010 by PAQ

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2223.13 In reply to 2223.12 
Cool PaQ !

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 From:  WillBellJr
Nice GI render, PAQ!

Yeah that's a hella nice model no matter what! I love the leg and foot work!

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 From:  BurrMan
2223.15 In reply to 2223.12 
I feel like I'm changing my original comments after seeing this render. For some reason it seems more believable to me now. I cant put my finger on it though!

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 From:  PaQ
2223.16 In reply to 2223.15 
hehe thanks :)

If someone has a cool technical reference of a clamp (? google translate for something like this ->

Not sure how to put a retro look for this kind of tool either.


EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2223.17 In reply to 2223.16 
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 From:  Mip (VINC)
Bonjour PaQ,

Search for "mechanical claw" in Google images ?

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 From:  PaQ
Ok it's called 'claw', thanks for the help Michel.
First entry, perfect ->

This robot shop is super cool :) merci Pilou

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  PaQ
Didn't match the photo at all, but I'm pleased with the overall volume :o) (Don't think my version will work either ...)

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Sophisticated Sugar Claw :D
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Grendel
Looks great of course but the claw would not close due to the connections struts bolted onto them. The center piece should rotate and thread in and out of a bushing which would open and close the claws about their pivot pin. The struts would not allow the claws to "collapse".
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 From:  PaQ
2223.23 In reply to 2223.22 
Good one Grendel (just hope I really get you)
Here's an update ... I can now close it completely, but I can't open it as large as I wish ...

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  BurrMan
2223.24 In reply to 2223.23 
It appears the Pivot point is the strut area. That would now make sense. But for future reference, reversing these 2 points would make a more "powerful" claw.
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2223.25 In reply to 2223.20 
Hi Paq,
Outstanding model as always character is coming along great. Can't wait to see the finished product. What program are you planning to render in? Keep it coming
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2223.26 In reply to 2223.25 

Just great inspiration to see your work.
Your fine detail ---oh my gosh!

I have been fidling with your concepts----a Brian version!

Great fun and learning.(AND---I can see my faults still!)

Thank you,


EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2223.27 In reply to 2223.26 

Here is my ?finished version! (Have you guessed that as a once fitter and turner (1946) I look for cast iron parts to machine!)

Now, I see the need to construct a tower crane to attach it to and then create a yard full of scrap cars and other metal objects to use it on?

Fun stuff!


EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2223.28 In reply to 2223.27 
I think I am on a roll--again!

Creating a scrap car yard in Carrara, just using default items that come supplied in the Browser.

More fun!


EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2223.29 In reply to 2223.28 
The idea for the Scrap Car Yard---at the moment.
Still need to work out a crane idea.


EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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