skp to moi migration
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 From:  hunter
2215.11 In reply to 2215.10 
Thank you Michael,
I'm a student and I want to play/learn before buy the software.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2215.12 In reply to 2215.11 
Hi hunter - if you decide you want to buy it after using the v1 trial, there is a student discount order page available here:

- Michael
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 From:  hunter
2215.13 In reply to 2215.12 
Thank you Michael,

now I'm in migration(from .skp) and learning phase.

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 From:  hunter
2215.14 In reply to 2215.13 
I'm trying to blend two curve where on two surface without success. Where the problem can be?

1- I've drawn a solid sphere and cylinder and a circle(for merge operation)
2- Made a hole using merge option of boolean
3- And applied blend function to selected curves
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 From:  Anis
2215.15 In reply to 2215.14 

can you post the 3dm file....
looks like the problem is the seam edge
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 From:  hunter
2215.16 In reply to 2215.15 
ok. I've just solved it.
I think that I must not delete surfaces where on both solid.
And I must select just curves.

Thank you.

PS: What a speedy forum :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2215.17 In reply to 2215.16 
Hi Hunter, sounds like you have figured it out, but the key thing there is that you need to select the "edge" of a surface, and not just a free-standing independent "curve" object which can sometimes be stacked in the same location.

Construction curves can tend to get in the way of picking edges for other operations too like Fillet so it is not a bad idea to delete or hide them after you use them to get them out of the way.

- Michael
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