suggestion, Isolate command
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 From:  kevjon
2201.27 In reply to 2201.20 
I've just found this script. Very useful indeed and exactly what I was looking for.

The problem with the script is that when you unisolate your object it unhides everything rather than just the stuff you had on screen at the time you originally ran isolate.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2201.28 In reply to 2201.27 
Hi Kevin, yeah to restore the previous state like that would require the script to store the state of all the objects somewhere and retrieve it later.

Certainly not impossible, but doing that kind of "persisting data" thing in a script tends to be more difficult.

It should be possible to tune up here in other ways but it isn't something that can be solved just by a simple tweak to the existing script right at the moment.

- Michael
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 From:  kevjon
2201.29 In reply to 2201.28 
No worries Michael.

Look forward to see what you come up with in future releases. Certainly would be a useful command to have in MoI but yeh it definitely needs to restore the current state. Once you get the layering done that will largely solve the need to use isolate anyway.
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