Here the quasi perfect french version of Moi (Ui & Commands) of the 2 november's Beta MoI :)
Just replace the all "folders" commands and ui
Here is the beta "french5" of Moi (Ui & Commands) of the 1 december's Beta MoI :)
Just copy / past (replace) files of ui5 in ui, commands5 in commands
(put in a save file your original html files in case of secure...:)
Tell me if some words are inanities or forgotten ;D
Have fun!
Ps For Michael
I don't find yet where are the file for the abbreviations' warm points ?
(when you move something a little text appears over a warm point)
Pss In the english version of MoI is that the normal word "cline" (?) for the "helpers lines"? ("relocate cline""reorient cline"... )
french version upgraded :) (19 11 2006)
Last french version upgraded :) (3 12 2006)
The Last french version upgraded :) (27 01 2007)