MoIV2 Beta Nov-21-2008 Questions
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2168.7 In reply to 2168.6 
Hi Michael,

I understand where Anis is coming from and then I understand where you're coming from.

> - one thing you can do is to set the construction plane to be aligned with the rectangle.
That's ok, but it would be nicer if we could save the construction plane position, Oh! have I mentioned this before ;)

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 From:  marcorhino
Hi, Michael

Color object and style ????
and other feature ????

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2168.9 In reply to 2168.7 
Hi Michael. I'm enjoying this program. But I would also like to see the ability to set new construction planes and save them, rather the way one can do it with Rhino or even with the axes/Scenes in SketchUp. I've had the idea since my first modeler (FormZ, in the late 90's) that the capacity to move construction planes, along with a true unit system and flexible snap concept (both of which MOI already has), are the essential characteristics that set apart a modeling program suitable for architectural design from more general 3D applications that aren't necessarily good for that purpose.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Trivial question :)
When I name
Sphere = ob1
Cube = ob2
Selection ob1 + ob2 and name it = ob3

Now when I select the Sphere only, Sphere's name is ob3, Cube's name only selected is ob3
How clear the group selection? (ungroup)

And seems the Undo to the start keeps the all group name ob3!

if I select all so ob3, when I clear the the name ob3
Sphere and cube become Unnamed !!! seems must be ob1 and ob2 ;)

PS there is not yet a list ?...(arborescence)...

EDITED: 22 Nov 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  BurrMan
2168.11 In reply to 2168.6 
Just so I'm clear. I'm not sure which number is the "actual" size. So if I were to create a 1 inch square to machine, Would it be the new "size" option or the "custom distance tool".

I guess I just dont understand when this number can be different and why.

Wont matter for art and fun but when I do cnc stuff I need to make sure I know what I've draw.

Thanks when you can, It's not a pressing issue for me.
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 From:  BurrMan
2168.12 In reply to 2168.10 
Trivial question :)
When I name
Sphere = ob1
Cube = ob2
Selection ob1 + ob2 and name = ob3

Now when I select the Sphere only, Sphere's name is ob3, Cube's name only selected is ob3
How clear the group selection? (ungroup)

I think this will be more clear when the "scene Browser" comes out and you can see that obj3 is a group of objects.

Not sure about the undo
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 From:  BurrMan
2168.13 In reply to 2168.10 
Seems "Undo" doesnt work on the object properties.

Object name doesnt persist and desist with multiple group namings and changes. more like layers. "Styles" will probably acheive what we want here but of course I'm just chatting and will wait for Michaels response with you!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.14 In reply to 2168.8 
Hi Marco,

> Color object and style ????
> and other feature ????

I'm still working on these, they won't be finished up until the next beta.

Sorry it takes a while to finish things, but it is better in the long run for me to work on these features carefully and thoughtfully so that they end up working well, rather than just slapping things together as quickly as possible.

If I did it as quick as possible you would have something now but it would have a poor UI and it would be buggy and crash a lot, you probably don't want that!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Suggestion: when object's name is too long line is cut in 2 parts
Why not make 2 lines : one for the object's name, one for the quality ?
so quality can be writed without abbreviation! 8 Closed curves


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2168.16 In reply to 2168.15 

What is the correct script for to put in the command column to create a shortcut for CPlane in the new 11-21 beta? The word "CPlane" itself raises an error.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.17 In reply to 2168.16 
Hi Lewis - yeah cplane is slightly different than a regular command (mostly because you can run it while you are still running inside of another command). To set it up on a keyboard shortcut use this:


If you want to set up a key for resetting the cplane to world, use this:


It's also possible to set up some shortcuts to switch to a Front or Right CPlane if you want:

Set CPlane to Front plane:
script:moi.view.setCPlane( moi.vectorMath.createFrontFrame() );

Set CPlane to Right plane:
script:moi.view.setCPlane( moi.vectorMath.createRightFrame() );

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2168.18 In reply to 2168.17 

Firstly, a great fealing working with the new beta. Things seem to do as expected rather than frequently having to say, damn, I forgot you have to do this the X way!

However, an odidty (not a problem)
When changing the Z dimension on this grouped item, this strange result?


PS I am regularly running out of uploading space. If the lists of my loads were dated it would be much easier to make quick deletions that would, in this instance, enabled the loading of the 3dm file.

EDITED: 30 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.19 In reply to 2168.18 
Hi Brian, I'm glad the new beta is working for you!

It has several of the problems that you reported fixed - that shape you had that would not window select should now work fine, and that problem with trying to draw a planar curve over top of a sphere should now be solved as well.

> However, an odidty (not a problem)
> When changing the Z dimension on this grouped item, this strange result?

It looks like it was probably 2 separate objects, and only one of them was selected?

When you change the size, it only makes a change on the selected objects. If something was not selected, it won't change.

If it is a different problem than that, could you please post a .3dm model file of the shape so I can check it out and see if it is a bug that should be fixed? You can also e-mail a file to me directly at instead of posting it.

> If the lists of my loads were dated it would be much easier to
> make quick deletions that would, in this instance, enabled the
> loading of the 3dm file.

Yeah, that would be better definitely.

Unfortunately there is not currently any option in the forum software to do that, I would have to quit writing MoI code for a while and work on some forum code instead to make that happen.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2168.20 In reply to 2168.19 
Thanks Michael.

I though I had all the items selected!
Have made space for this download.

EDITED: 27 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.21 In reply to 2168.20 
Hi Brian, thanks for posting the file!

Are there any particular steps that I should follow to see the problem?

Over here it seems to work as expected if I select those objects and change the z value, it works like this:

Are you seeing something different than that?

- Michael

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2168.22 In reply to 2168.17 
Thanks, Michael. That CPlane script works fine.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.23 In reply to 2168.9 
Hi Lewis,

You wrote:
> But I would also like to see the ability to set new
> construction planes and save them,

This is definitely in the cards, but probably not until after I get the "scene tree browser" type thing working.

I think that browser panel (discussed some in this other thread) will be a kind of "one stop shopping" area for listed / named entities of various sorts, and if it works out how I'm kind of thinking it would probably be best to list things like saved cplanes there rather than trying to make a special UI for managing the list of them.

One other thing that you may be interested in, is that MoI v2 has some functions to be able to draw directly on to any planar surface using it as a temporary construction plane. The nice thing about that is that it kicks in if you just click your points on the surface while in the 3D view, you don't have to do any extra cplane setup/restore/etc... steps. So that may help reduce the need to set a cplane for some common situations. Some examples on that here:

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2168.24 In reply to 2168.22 

HopeI can explain this.
In the first instance, I did a sellection of all the items.
Then I did the Z make smaller.
That was fine, except, it left a separate, copy (well, actually the original?), unsized, of the wiggly bit,---- where it was originally!

As I said it is not a problem as I can delete this "copy" bit---it was just that the "oddity" seemed worthwhile reporting.

Tis a strange world!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.25 In reply to 2168.24 
Hi Brian, I think I understand - the file you posted is the result of _after_ the problem occured?

Unfortunately what really helps me is to see the file _before_ the problem, so that I can try to repeat the steps over here and watch the problem actually happen directly rather than just seeing the aftermath... :)

So if you happen to notice something weird, it can be a big help if you undo, and then save. That way there is more of a chance that the problem can be repeated. Sometimes it is tough to remember that, but if that is possible it is easier for me to debug.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2168.26 In reply to 2168.10 
Hi Pilou,

> Trivial question :)
> When I name
> Sphere = ob1
> Cube = ob2
> Selection ob1 + ob2 and name it = ob3

Just to clarify - when you select multiple objects and set the name, you are not creating a group, it is doing the same thing as if you selected each object individually and assigned them all the same name.

So on your 3rd step there there are no longer any names of "Sphere" or "Cube" present, they have been overwritten when you entered the new value of "ob3".

> Now when I select the Sphere only, Sphere's name is ob3,
> Cube's name only selected is ob3

Yes - since you set both of their names to ob3 in your 3rd step.

> How clear the group selection? (ungroup)

There was no group made... So nothing to ungroup, if you want to clear the selection click in an empty area or push escape.

> And seems the Undo to the start keeps the all group name ob3!

Yeah, undo is not working right with the properties that needs to be fixed.

> if I select all so ob3, when I clear the the name ob3
> Sphere and cube become Unnamed !!! seems must be ob1 and ob2 ;)

You then assigned them an empty name which is displayed in the UI as "unnamed".

It is an interesting idea to make a group by assigning the same name to a multiple selection, but I think that may cause some problems. I'm generally intending for grouping to work with a different mechanism than that, which will be part of the scene browser tree thing.

The name is just a descriptive tag that you can set on an object, assigning a name does not make it into a group.

> PS there is not yet a list ?...(arborescence)...

Not yet, Styles and colors are going to come first, then the scene tree after that.

There is still a lot of work left to do for this area, as I've mentioned before it will take a few betas before it is all complete.

Does that all make sense? Please let me know if any of that doesn't seem right.

- Michael
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