Hi Brian, I'm glad the new beta is working for you!
It has several of the problems that you reported fixed - that shape you had that would not window select should now work fine, and that problem with trying to draw a planar curve over top of a sphere should now be solved as well.
> However, an odidty (not a problem)
> When changing the Z dimension on this grouped item, this strange result?
It looks like it was probably 2 separate objects, and only one of them was selected?
When you change the size, it only makes a change on the selected objects. If something was not selected, it won't change.
If it is a different problem than that, could you please post a .3dm model file of the shape so I can check it out and see if it is a bug that should be fixed? You can also e-mail a file to me directly at
moi@moi3d.com instead of posting it.
> If the lists of my loads were dated it would be much easier to
> make quick deletions that would, in this instance, enabled the
> loading of the 3dm file.
Yeah, that would be better definitely.
Unfortunately there is not currently any option in the forum software to do that, I would have to quit writing MoI code for a while and work on some forum code instead to make that happen.
- Michael