Meaningful Shortcut Keys Listing.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.43 In reply to 2134.42 
(You know how appreciative of your help that I am.)

The length of that response seems to highlight what I have been trying to convey!
Why should the average user of MoI have to even think about all that complexity?

I have printed out that post and will, hopefully!, make some sense of it overnight.

I am tearing my hair out------I hope the movie helps!

(I still can not get over that Z up only for doing a sweep on a Helix--that Michael intends to make more user friendly----- are some of the, to me, simple things that are still illogical in some of the MoI operations!)

ps. I am on the oxy bottle and having couple of bad days-----forgive me if I seem a bigger grump than usual. (Still/again/pita etc)

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.44 In reply to 2134.43 

Here's a starting thought----" Lets separate a couple of things first."

Why would the average user of MoI (any app) NEED to know the difference between a "script" and a "Command" in the first place?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.45 In reply to 2134.44 
Hi Brian,

> Why would the average user of MoI (any app) NEED to know
> the difference between a "script" and a "Command" in the first place?

There is generally not any need to worry about it unless you want to set things up in a special way.

The more normal way to set things up, you just paste in any custom script into a keyboard shortcut and once you do that it will be run as an immediate script which does not cancel any currently running command.

Maybe it would be best to just leave your keyboard shortcuts how they were before? It just seems like you are running into more problems now than you were with the previous setup...

Don't get me wrong - you are definitely correct that the whole system has some confusing parts.

I would definitely like to improve the system in the future!

But I only have a limited amount of time to work on different features.

Right now making the keyboard shortcut UI more beautiful is just not a very high priority because the majority of people go in there and set things up once, and don't really worry about it so much after that. Other areas that are used on a more frequent basis just need to have a higher priority right now.

I wish I could make everything get improved all at once! But I haven't found a good way to make that happen yet... :)

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2134.46 In reply to 2134.45 
I'm going to take Michaels advice and stop here.

I think you are like me in that all this stuff you see go by is something you beleive you're missing.

The Plugin Gallery you use has "ALL" the extra's that Petr has created for MoI. you're missing nothing!

All the other stuff you see is just tinkering.

I fear my communication skills, trying to explain the hypotenuse of the jib just make it worse for anybody listening!

My interest is that you can keep any of the customizations you have made through to the next release.

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 From:  BurrMan
2134.47 In reply to 2134.46 
Also, If you were to PM me your phone number I would call you. Either we could get on the same page or just have a nice chat.

Take care,
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.48 In reply to 2134.47 
Thank you both.

Burr, not having good health at the moment.
Maybe a good idea to let things be untill the next beta?
Appreciate the offer for direct contact--maybe later.

I think I have been spoilt a bit with all the many free plugins and "Actions" for Photoshop.
The simplicity af creating new Actions in PShop---and, as with Carrara, no fancy scripting type language.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.49 In reply to 2134.48 
Brian - Best wishes for you to get over this rough patch with your health soon!

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.50 In reply to 2134.49 
Thanks Michael.
At 76 and with severe COPD--oxy bottle--and arthur--I live from day to day.
I will, at any time, be likely to drop off the perch. (A relief to many!)

Within my limits, I am having great fun thanks to the computer and MoI!

I have no complaints about my life.

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