Hi Burr - I see. But it looks like you're trying to put those scripts inside the \commands folder.
Running those as commands will basically work for many cases, but commands get some special processing and cannot currently be nested. If you try to run a command while an existing one is running, the running command is canceled and then the new command is started. That's what you are seeing in this construction line case.
To enable something to run without canceling the current command, it needs to be run as an "immediate script" instead of as a "command".
To do that, make a new folder called \scripts that is underneath the main MoI installation folder (so it is a sibling to \commands). Then put your testlines.js file into that \ scripts folder (not \ commands !), then put testlines. js including the file .js file extension part into the keyboard shortcut, and then it should work for you.
That will run the contents of that file as an immediate script instead of running it as a command.
Many of the things that you can set up as keyboard shortcuts that are inline scripts (with the script: prefix) can normally be run while a command is going, so you'll probably want to have most of the things like this in the \scripts folder instead of \commands.
Check out the message earlier in this thread:
http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=2134.20 again for some of the details about the \scripts folder.
- Michael