Meaningful Shortcut Keys Listing.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.11 In reply to 2134.9 
"I guess that is the kind of simple setup that you want? You already have it for those entries, right?"

Yes! The script as such is meaningless to me, and either writing or modifying is unlikely to ever be in my work flow. (Same for many/most? MoI users!)

Now I would suggest the opposite approach in that the scripting list should be on a separate or user made panel!

The default inbuilt shortcuts lists should only be in the clear and simple action descriptive format!

Anyway, I have made my point. Thanks.

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 From:  PaQ
2134.12 In reply to 2134.10 
>> But it is all a matter of priorities. I could spend a month working on refining the shortcut key editor to be much nicer but then that is a month of work that is not happening on basic modeling tools.

Right now I've put a higher priority on refining other areas of the software that will be used much more frequently.

Hi Michael, I get you loud and clear, I defenitively prefer to see modeling improvement that an enhanced shortcut system, which works quite well allready, I really don't have any problem with that. Be able to assign script on the fly save me a lot of boring tasks allready !!!

That's why a call the Silo shortcut stuff a 'cosmetic' feature :) (but I still think it's the first time I see something that simple and easy :)).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.13 In reply to 2134.12 
Hi PaQ,

> That's why a call the Silo shortcut stuff a 'cosmetic' feature :)
> (but I still think it's the first time I see something that
> simple and easy :)).

Sometimes making certain things too easy can actually cause problems of its own too...

With that system I would worry somewhat about unintentionally assigning a key.

Like say you have E for extrude. Then one time after finishing some other work where you happen to have the mouse over top of some other UI, you then hit E to want to launch extrude. Does it re-assign E to the UI that your mouse happened to be over?

Or what if you were expecting to type in a sequence of characters into a text input box, like when you are making Text objects with the Draw solid / Text tool . What if you accidentally did not have focus in the input box? It seems like you could possibly accidentally assign a whole bunch of shortcut keys with that... (although actually in MoI's case it puts focus in there automatically if you start typing, but I could foresee someone typing a sequence of characters and then getting them all assigned...)

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.14 In reply to 2134.11 
Hi Brian,

> Yes! The script as such is meaningless to me, and either
> writing or modifying is unlikely to ever be in my work flow.
> (Same for many/most? MoI users!)

Right, but there is one thing that you do seem to want to do with scripts which is take one that has been written by someone else and install it to use it on your local copy of MoI.

Right now it is possible to do this by copy and paste using only one editor in MoI - the shortcut key editor.

Being able to have script code inside of that editor is what makes that kind of "one place setup" possible.

> Now I would suggest the opposite approach in that the scripting list
> should be on a separate or user made panel!

If I did that, then if you wanted to install a script that I had posted here, you would have a more complex procedure to follow instead of just copy/paste in one spot, you would have to go to that separate panel to set up the script, and after that go to the shortcut key editor to assign a shortcut key.

It would make the shortcut key list look prettier, but at the expense of making it a more difficult procedure to install a piece of script that has been posted in a message here.

The one thing that I can think of that could possibly improve this without making things more complicated would be to change the way that I distribute scripts, and distribute them as a file attachment rather than as a snippet of inline code that you copy/paste. It may be possible for me to set that up in the future.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
2134.15 In reply to 2134.13 
Hi Michael,

Yes I understand this unintentionnaly assigning problem, Silo manage this by only allow this shortcut creation when browsing the top menu.

So typing text/numeric stuff while open the menu should not happends quiete often. That's said ,MoI don't have this kind of 'double' command menu, and more over
there are not so many commands to assign compared to a poly modeler. As you said, actually in MoI you take some time to create you shorcuts once and you don't come back to it often.

EDITED: 3 Feb 2010 by PAQ

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.16 In reply to 2134.14 
Thanks Michael.

That last sentence gets to the point nicely for me.

I just think the current way goes against the simplicity/friendly usage that is the beauty of MoI

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 From:  BurrMan
2134.17 In reply to 2134.14 
with regard to a script line being in a js file.

If you just put "script:var dir = moi.view.lightDirection; if ( dir.x == 1 && dir.y == (.....continued....)" into a file named "fred.js" does it run by calling that file or does the js file need "other" properly formatted syntax to be functional?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.18 In reply to 2134.15 
Hi PaQ, that makes more sense to only do it for drop-down menu items.

But yeah that does not apply very well to MoI since it has been a major effort of MoI's UI to try and eliminate that kind of drop-down menu UI as much as possible.

There will be some more instances of it happening in MoI, like the "Tools" button that I want to add in the object properties panel will probably end up being a big drop-down menu like that. But I hope to only place less frequently used or special purpose things in there.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2134.19 In reply to 2134.17 
pardon! Answered my own question. Yes it works this way with no additional code.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.20 In reply to 2134.17 
Hi Burr,

> If you just put "script:var dir = moi.view.lightDirection; if ( dir.x == 1
> && dir.y == (.....continued....)" into a file named "fred.js" does it run
> by calling that file or does the js file need "other" properly formatted
> syntax to be functional?

To use the separate .js file style, you just need to remove the script: label at the front there.

That initial script: label is something special for the shortcut key editor to clarify whether the stuff typed there is an inline script or the name of a command. Actually there is a new experimental thing in the current v2 beta where you can eliminate that label if you want even from inline scripts because it will assume that the contents are inline script if it does not match a command name and does not end in a script file extension (like .js). But the script: label is required for inline scripts to work with version 1.0 though.

Also when you have the script in the separate .js file you don't need to jam it all on a single line like the inline script, and you can use an #include "library_filename.js" directive in the .js file to combine other script libraries into the current script file when it is executed. (the #include does not work with inline scripts, only with separate-file scripts).

Other than that all the syntax and stuff that is available to it is all the same as the inline script.

Then to use the separate script file there are 2 options - you can either place the full path to the script file in the Command part of the keyboard shortcut, like:
c:\scripts\MyScript.js or you can put just the file name itself, like: MyScript.js in which case it will look in a \scripts subfolder inside of MoI's main installation folder for it. This folder is not created by default, just create it if you want to place scripts there.

But you may want to use the full path method because then you won't need to move files around when you get new betas, etc...

Oh yeah one other thing is that it should be theoretically possible to make a script using the VBScript language instead of JavaScript, if you use a .vbs file extension for the script file instead of .js but I have not really tested that. Inline scripts are assumed to be JavaScript.

And actually come to think of it, you probably do not need to even remove that script: label at the front of the content for the separate file method, because it will actually be parsed by the script parser as a label and is legal JavaScript syntax I think. But you would normally remove it.

- Michael
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 From:  steve (STEEVE)
2134.21 In reply to 2134.19 
That's a useful discovery you've made, BurrMan
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.22 In reply to 2134.20 

You are talking a foreign language to me in those last posts.
For me, lifes too short! (It's bad enough that the computer wants to use US spelling in place of English!!)

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 From:  BurrMan
2134.23 In reply to 2134.20 
>>>And actually come to think of it, you probably do not need to even remove that script: label at the front of the content for the separate file method, because it will actually be parsed by the script parser as a label and is legal JavaScript syntax I think. But you would normally remove it.>>>

I found most of it worked without change, however, one script which was the "keep construction lines" script, didnt work. The "remove kept construction lines" worked yet I had to use petr's script with all the other syntax to keep construction lines (but that is what I'm after anyway! The friendly name thing for brian.)

I'm always trying to confuse him!

Coming back with a post for Brian in a minute.
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 From:  BurrMan
2134.24 In reply to 2134.23 
Here's a file for you brian.

What is in this zip are all the scripts from the "custom" shortcuts file I sent you awhile back made into js files for moi to read. A breif description of each script will jog your memory on what they do. The names are anything you want them to be, I just tried to keep them simple and descriptive for you to know what they are before you rename them.

So for instance solids.js is the script for selecting any solids. You could rename this to "jim.js" if thats what you want to call it, place it in a folder in your moi directory named scripts and assign any shortcut key to "jim.js" that you want.

It's a way for you to get the "friendly name" thing you want.

Here is a video of how it is done so you can do it to any of the other "long scripts" that you want a friendly name for.

Keep these around as when a new beta release comes out, you'll need to copy these into it's scripts folder also to go along with your shortcuts you set up for them.

Let me know if it's just to much for you or if you want clarification on anything else.
Rest assured that when the flux of beta releasing is over, a solution to acheive what you want will be easy.


EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.25 In reply to 2134.23 
Hi Burr,

> I found most of it worked without change, however, one script
> which was the "keep construction lines" script, didnt work.

I gave that one a try in a separate .js file, and it seemed to work ok for me over here, even including the script: at the start...

The ones that will be a bit different are the ones that are not inline script but instead the name of a custom command. Like for example in addition to the "keep construction lines" inline script (, there is also a construction lines command (

To trigger that custom command one, you would have the command name in the shortcut keys, it would say something like "ConstructionLine" in the shortcut key instead of " etc... "

You can't move a command name into a separate .js file, only actual script code.

Not sure if that is the problem you ran into?

Let me know if you need more details!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.26 In reply to 2134.24 
Very cool Burr!

Brian - just to clarify - Burr has converted those scripts that you don't like to see into separate .js files.

That will allow you to use a more simple name (the name of the .js file) inside of the shortcut key editor like you were asking for, rather than seeing the code directly in there.

Thanks Burr!

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2134.27 In reply to 2134.25 
I understand.

For some reason the "keep construction lines" inline script works for me if I use moi's shortcut editor, but if I just place it in a js file, it doesnt work. I'm still going to try to remove some things as per your post a bit ago, but there really is no need to try and figure this out as I also have petr's command of the same which works fine.
I'll post back if tinkering produces any answer. All the others worked....It's just this one???
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2134.28 In reply to 2134.27 
Hi Burr, can you please post the script that doesn't work here so I can check it out? Maybe there is a bug in there or something, it may be good to know why that one is not the same.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.29 In reply to 2134.27 
Is it any wonder that I LOVE the MoI users!

allmost speachless in appreciation.

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 From:  BurrMan
2134.30 In reply to 2134.28 
Its the one from the petr page. I tried copying it from many places to make sure.

It looks like this:

script:moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getConstructionLines().setProperty( "isTemporary", false );

I just put it in a text file like all the rest and it deletes the construction lines.

Heres a file also. If you make a shortcut to this "command" it fails.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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