Object properties progress
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 From:  George (GKSL4)
Hi Michael,

Keep up the good work.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2127.15 In reply to 2127.9 
Hi Danny, thanks for the feedback!

> What will the new panel show on multiple selections

What I think will happen is if all the objects have the same name, it will show that name there, or otherwise say: (multi) or (varies) in there.

For the type label, if all the selected objects have the same type it will show that type, or otherwise if they are of different types I think it will just say x objects, like: 5 objects.

For the style if all objects have the same style it will show that style, or otherwise say Multiple styles, or (varies) in there too, something like that.

> and will you have a filter selection system for each object type,
> like if I want to select all curves and filter out all other
> objects from selection ?

I do want to have this, but I'm considering that to be a selection helper tool, I'd like to categorize it under the Select tab in the UI. It will be a pretty separate piece of work from the grouping and properties stuff. It is kind of doubtful that this will fit into the v2 timeframe at this point.

There are some existing tools you can use for that though - Petr wrote a custom command for selecting all objects of a particular type which you can get here:

You can also set up a script on a keyboard shortcut to select or deselect a particular type of object, like for example this one will select all curves:
script:moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getCurves().setProperty( 'selected', true );

And various other similar ones (like select closed curves, select solids, etc...) are listed here:

Let me know if you have a particular kind of selection task involving object types that you need to do frequently and I probably can cook up a script for a keyboard shortcut that will do it in the current version.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2127.16 In reply to 2127.10 
Hi Marc,

> Will the panel Extend to fit them all?
> Would it display for example "3 curves, 4 solids" or
> "4 objects in group 1 & 2" ?

It's kind of disruptive to the overall UI to have that panel expand to be too big, so I was thinking it would not do this.

If all the objects were of the same type, then I was thinking I can include that type label there, like "5 curves". Otherwise if they are different, I think I'll just put the number there with a generic label like "5 objects".

But then if you push the Details button I can put up a bigger report listing all the different types inside of the dialog box that pops up for that.

How does that sound?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2127.17 In reply to 2127.12 
Hi David!

> 1.- If there arenĀ“t layer, what happens if someone is
> working with Rhino and MoI?

Currently this is what I'm thinking - there will be another mechanism for setting up batches or groupings of objects, it was discussed some previously here:

That is going to be another chunk of work for that, which will happen after this object properties stuff is finished.

I think the way it will work is if you set up your tags/groups in such a way that they are compatible with layers, which means that you have placed each object only to belong underneath one tag instead of multiple tags, then the tags will translate directly to layers when you export. If you have an object belong to multiple tags (which is what I'm hoping to give more flexibility with than traditional layers allows for), then it will just pick one of those groups that it belongs to, to be the "layer" for that object.

So basically if you restrict yourself to only set things up in the same way that layers allows for, then it should be able to translate directly.

> 2.- Then, will be there linetypes soon?

I'm not quite sure, I do have some support in my display engine for linetypes currently, which you can see if you go to Options / Grid:

Increase the grid line width to something like 5 and set the color to black to see what those different styles look like. (After you have finished, push Restore defaults / Current section only to go back to standard grid settings).

However, it may take some extra work to finish up this area for being applied to objects in general. I'm not quite sure yet how long that will take.

re: #3 Selection filter, please see my reply to Danny here:

Thanks for the feedback!

- Michael

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 From:  George (GKSL4)
2127.18 In reply to 2127.16 
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2127.19 In reply to 2127.18 
Hi George,

> Complicated

Is there any particular part that seems complicated? Or just the whole thing?

I definitely want to keep it simple to do basic things quickly. But there may be several subtle details for how it behaves with multiple selection, etc... - probably once it is actually in front of you and running it will not be as complex as some of my extended and detailed explanations make it seem. But we'll see! :)

- Michael
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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
2127.20 In reply to 2127.17 
Hi Michael:

Thanks for your prompt reply!

I had made a sketch of my idea.
Obviously you have the ideas more clear than me, but the sketch was made yet... :-)
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 From:  George (GKSL4)
2127.21 In reply to 2127.19 
Hi Michael,

Probably is my view of the whole thing.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2127.22 In reply to 2127.21 
Hi George, if you have any ideas on how to simplify it, it would be great to hear them!

I appreciate the feedback, but some more specific details on what you don't like would help.

Right now that is really the most simple design that I could come up with so far, after quite a bit of work on it. There are just 3 lines of new controls there...

If that is getting too complex for you, it is possible that you may need to stay on MoI v1 and not upgrade to v2.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
2127.23 In reply to 2127.19 
Hi Michael,

Having a long thread/discussion on the probable implementation of this feature will just go around in circles. Why not just finish this part up and release it, we can then discuss the actual implementation and its future development.

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2127.24 In reply to 2127.23 
Hi Steve - it's going to take a fairly substantial effort to finish it up. It can help save a lot of time overall if the direction that I move forward in is largely in line with how it should work finally or not.

If it was particularly quick and easy to do it, then I could make it work more like you are describing where I can just put out the implementation first and get feedback on that.

The more work it takes for me to accomplish the implementation, then the more careful I kind of need to be to try and move in a good direction initially. So it can help me to get some feedback or potential ideas in cases like this.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
2127.25 In reply to 2127.24 
Hi Michael,

>it's going to take a fairly substantial effort to finish it up.

Yes, I understand that, for the full implementation of the object properties, but you have put forward that this implementation will be over a number of beta releases, so I was putting forward that the first part of this implementation to be finished and released.

>It can help save a lot of time overall if the direction that I move forward in is largely in line with how it should work finally or not.

I would need to ask, is this just an idea you are putting forward, or is this post based on work you have already done. If the latter, then would feedback against certain parts of such an implementation make you make a U turn and start again?

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2127.26 In reply to 2127.25 
Hi Steve,

The full suite of "object organization" tools will definitely span several beta releases. The object properties stuff is just one part of that.

Object properties may itself span more than one release but if possible I would like to have this part of the object organization tools largely wrapped up first before going on to the scene browser part.

> I would need to ask, is this just an idea you are putting forward,
> or is this post based on work you have already done.

Well, it is kind of both, it is more of an idea than a lot of working code at the moment, but that does not mean that it did not require a bunch of work and iterations on several ideas to arrive at this current idea.

> If the latter, then would feedback against certain parts of such
> an implementation make you make a U turn and start again?

Yeah, that is one of the reasons that I posted it. If it seems like it is not going to do the job properly, or if someone has a better idea of a completely different direction, now is the time to present that.

If I wait to show it to everyone only until after I have done all the work for it and it is all finished, then at that point doing a U turn involves throwing away a considerably larger amount of work which is not efficient.

Sometimes it can be necessary to throw away things and start again, but I prefer to do that more rapidly in the earlier stages of something.

I can understand that it is only possible to do a really proper full analysis and critique of something when you have a working implementation in front of you. But it is a huge gain in efficiency and time management to get at least some analysis going (based just on imagining the process as described) before a full implementation is done.

Basically the more that I start out on the right track can help to avoid problems.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2127.27 In reply to 2127.20 
Hi David,

> I had made a sketch of my idea.
> Obviously you have the ideas more clear than
> me, but the sketch was made yet... :-)

Yup, that's good start, and kind of similar to what I was thinking of as well.

But that selection tool will be a separate thing from this object properties stuff that I am currently working on, it will be a bit longer before I will be able to focus on that area.

When I do get a chance to focus on it, it does sound like a good idea for it to be able to target object properties as well as object types.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
2127.28 In reply to 2127.26 
Hi Michael,

OK, I now follow your path on this.

>Yeah, that is one of the reasons that I posted it. If it seems like it is not going to do the job properly, or if someone has a >better idea of a completely different direction, now is the time to present that.

For a single selected object, I cannot see a simpler way to present that than you have done. My first thoughts/questions would be more about the handling of groups and the possible assignment of an object to an already created group.

I do have a number of questions/thoughts on this, but will try and get some order in my head before posting more and taking your time.


- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2127.29 In reply to 2127.28 
Hi Steve,

> My first thoughts/questions would be more about the handling
> of groups and the possible assignment of an object to an already
> created group.

I think that probably there will be a separate thing for managing grouping, something along the lines of the panel discussed in this other thread:

- Michael
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 From:  George (GKSL4)
2127.30 In reply to 2127.19 
Hi Michael,

I forgot to mention that I was referring to multiple objects selection.

No way to stay with MoI 1.

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 From:  Imensah
2127.31 In reply to 2127.1 
Hi Michael,
i got a few questions.
what if i need to create an object with certain preset properties/style. ie i want to start drawing a red line. In this case how will i access this kind of property without having to create it first..
Does this setup mean you will need to have the object created or selected before you can see its properties dialog to modify? if so what happens if i have a hidden object i need to unhide or select. I assume there will be a dialog readily available somewhere in the viewport to select/deselect hide/unhide objects?
also how will i be able to modify say the swatch of multiple objects simultaneously?

How are grouped object properties being handled especially visibility of objects. my main problem with moi is its inability to reduce clutter by hiding and unhiding objects in my workspace easily and efficiently. You have to basically unhide everything temporarily just to select the objects you need to hide and/or unhide. it is a nightmare if you have quite a few objects already hidden.
I feel visibility templating and grouping properties should be readily accessible
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 From:  -ash-
Hi Michael, everybody. Not had much time on MoI for a while but been following the beta threads. Good stuff so far.

However, I think I'm with George here on this one. Though maybe confusing rather than complicated. So, I am not really convinced by this concept. Some thoughts for your consideration:

>>#4 is a swatch to show the current style visually.

Not sure why we need this? The current style is the one the object is displaying in the view port which we can already see.

>>For example with a circle it would list the center of the circle and its radius and let you change those values.

I would really like to see this in the panel not buried in a dialog. I believe that size and position is one of the things a properties panel should show at a glance.

>>Then #5 Tools will drop out a big menu, probably with just lines of text on it instead of icons and it will have a whole bunch of
>>somewhat more "advanced" tools on it that can be applied to the selected object. I think this menu will be where I'll be able to add many
>>commands such as Rebuild, Simplify lines & arcs, etc... This one probably won't be ready for a while longer.

This worries me a bit. Unless I am not understanding this you seem to be saying that you will hide these tools away in properties. I think this should be separate from properties perhaps in an advanced tools panel. Hiding advanced editing away in here doesn't, IMHO, match the clean and obvious way the rest of your UI works.

For the object properties I am also concerned with the idea that this appears and disappears every time I select/deselect something and disappears again when a command is run. I really want to be able to see properties update as I'm editing, not have them disappear as soon as a command is run. Skellos comments in the previous post also apply here. In properties I was expecting:

Object Type - group, line, solid, etc
Object name
Size x, y, z
Position x, y, z

I was also hoping for each of these to be editable in the properties panel directly not with another pop-up box that needs to be okayed. So you can type in the name of the style if you know it. If not, or you want to create a new style, click the style manager button. For numbers the current 'popup-calculator/type in the number' system seems appropriate here too.

Here's my humble suggestion for a simple properties panel:

As I said earlier, I believe the advanced editing tools would be better placed separate from the properties.

Sorry for the long post, I was going to say this is my tuppence worth - but it ended up more than that :-)


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