error message "Unable to create Direct3D9 device"
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2124.4 In reply to 2124.3 
Hi Jotell, is your problem solved then?

Since it is not the same machine like I had thought, it is also possible that your XP machine just does not have a recent enough 3D graphics card in it to run MoI.

MoI does not need a very fancy video card to run, but if you have one that is more than about 5 or 6 years old it may not have enough functionality to do the 3D graphics work that MoI relies on.

Some of the machines that are set up as controllers for specialized hardware can often be very minimally equipped and may need to be upgraded to have a somewhat newer 3D capable video card in them in order to run MoI. There are several video cards even down around the $20-$30 dollar range that will actually do the job...

- Michael
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 From:  jotell
2124.5 In reply to 2124.4 
Hi Michael, Thank you for following up on my problem, which is now solved (I found the place where to enable the hardware acceleration).
best regards
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 From:  steve (STEEVE)
2124.6 In reply to 2124.4 
Hi Michael

Just to confirm, I've just received this same error and it was as you said because I had turned off h/ware acceleration (to record a video in fact)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2124.7 In reply to 2124.6 
Hi Jotell & Steve - I've updated this message for future builds to give a bit better clue on what might be wrong.

It will now say:

Unable to create Direct3D9 device.
Possibly an unsupported older video card, or hardware acceleration is disabled.
Check Control Panel / Display / Settings / Advanced / Troubleshoot

- Michael
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