Initial stages of product? I like it. Version 9? I will hate it.
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 From:  jbshorty
211.15 In reply to 211.13 
i think i remember the full Unlimited package being somwhere near the area of $1000 (similar to Alibre). I could be wrong, though. I don't CSI was targeting the hoibbyist designer. I think they were aiming to be affordable to profesional designers...
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
Well, after some stumblling around, and getting a handle on the workflow ( Lay out some profiles first, then build from there ), MOI is a killer little app. It's simple, fun, and very powerful. And each beta release seems to add more power without introducing crippling new bugs.

One thing I love is the lil 'rotate/pan/zoom' popup. With a trackball mouse, those buttons work great. And tablet input is a dream!

One useful feature would be a way to have a 'library' tab in addition to the "Draw Curve" "Draw Solid". The library tab would be a way to quickly load and import shapes from our own, or external libraries. Say, standard jewelry fittings, etc.
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 From:  wibble
> ...and there appear to be a couple of rounds of some attempted web site attacks that tried to download it a few thousand times apiece to the same address.

Sorry, that was me. I love MoI so much that I wanted to make sure I had plenty of backups.

...Oh I'm kidding! :)
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
Another suggestion.

I find drawing arcs using 3 points to be somewhat unintuitive.

Most editors, you draw the first point, the last point, and then pick the point on the arc, and the circle is calculated through all 3. This way I can get feedback as to what curvature I want.

As it is, I have a hard time using the 3 point arc, if I select start, point-on-arc, end and have it come out correctly. I don't know it's gonna curve until I click the last point, and then it is too late.

Also, it would be nice if "Draw arc, Center" could also be used to draw quarter ellipses. This should be a fairly simple change of a check box, and allowing the arc to pass through the 3rd point drawn, instead of forcing it to stay to a circle.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
211.19 In reply to 211.18 
> Most editors, you draw the first point, the last point, and then pick the point
> on the arc, and the circle is calculated through all 3.

Hi Crusoe, it is not hard to make this change, but I'd like to hear from a few more people's opinions to make sure that switching it won't cause any problems for people.

> Also, it would be nice if "Draw arc, Center" could also be used to draw quarter
> ellipses. This should be a fairly simple change of a check box, and allowing the
> arc to pass through the 3rd point drawn, instead of forcing it to stay to a circle.

This one doesn't seem as easy - the first thing is that drawing a quarter of an ellipse in that way will result in an ellipse with a center point different from the starting center point that you click in the command.

For example here is an arc with a center point, start point and end point:

Here is the ellipse that I think you are asking for (the full ellipse shown here, not just the quarter of it):

As you can see, the center of the ellipse is different than the center point that was picked at the start of the command, that's kind of confusing (and sort of "false advertising").

This makes it seem like it doesn't really fit in well as just an option in this command, it seems like it would need its own command that does an ellipse quarter through 2 points. I should be able to add in a new command for this eventually, but I've got some other things that people are asking for more often right now, so I'll have to put this on the back burner for a bit.

- Michael

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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
211.20 In reply to 211.19 
No, not quite what I mean....

In the first case, where the arc angle is 90 degrees, they define the short and long axes of the ellipse of which we are using a quarter of it.

In the second case, which I crudely drew, you have center point ( 1 ), the first point of the arc ( 2 ) (the darker red dot ) and the third point ( 3 ) ( the one at the end of the grey line ).

Knowing (1), the center of the ellipse, the length from (1) to (3), and the angle of 1-2-3, it should be possible to determine the ellipse arc that passes through 1 & 3 and satisifies the angle 1-2-3.

Thus, in both cases, the center of the ellipse is in the proper position for both cases.

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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
211.21 In reply to 211.20 
A better diagram of the second example:

So knowing the center 1, pt 2, and point 3, and angle 2-1-3 ( oops, typo in my prev post ), we can construct a arc of the ellipse that passes through 2 & 3.

In both cases, the center of the ellipse is always in the proper place!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
211.22 In reply to 211.21 
I see - before I thought you were talking about doing something special for quarter-arcs.

I suppose this is possible - the command would have to be modified a bit because right now you don't actually have to pick 3 points, you can just do the first 2 and then enter an angle without picking a 3rd - this wouldn't be valid for the elliptical style.

I'll try to take a look at it tomorrow.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
211.23 In reply to 211.21 
Hi Crusoe - elliptical arcs will be in the next beta. Here is what it looks like:

There will be an "Elliptical" checkbox for Arc/Center. If you check it, the angle box is hidden and an elliptical arc is created as you described.

This does have some cool properties, since the elliptical arc will actually start and end on the points you pick, unlike a circular arc which uses the ending point as the angle which will only touch there if the point you pick is at the arc's radius.

It is also easy to do 90 degree elliptical arcs.

There are some slightly odd things as well, like you can't do a 180 degree elliptical arc because when the points are lined up in a straight line it doesn't have any way to calculate the length of the other ellipse axis. And it kind of oscillates in a bit of a strange manner as you trace the mouse around the center point. But that's ok.

I don't think it will be possible to make any of the other arc commands do ellipses, since there are not unique solutions to many of them. For instance you can't do an ellipse through 3 points because there are multiple possible ellipses that can fit through 3 points. But Arc/Center works because nailing down the center point and first ellipse axis length nails down the constraints enough.

Thanks for the feedback!

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

Little question
When you choice one surface inclined, and make extrusion (by default) : seems that is folowing the "Normal"
When you choice 2 surfaces with 2 different inclinaisons, and make extrusion (by default) :
seems that "Normal" of each surface are replaced by "Vertical" is that "normal" ? :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 23 Jan 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
211.25 In reply to 211.24 
Hi Pilou, re: extrusion direction

This is a limitation of the current extrusion command - it only knows how to extrude in one direction at a time.

Eventually I would like to enable multiple-object extrusion where each object extrudes by default along its own normal. But that was a bit more difficult (especially with the mouse interaction, there would be sort of multiple possible tracking lines), so when I was working on extrude I postponed that until some later version.

- Michael
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