Create 3D Feather
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2102.34 In reply to 2102.33 
I presume these are supposed to be normal .obj files?
If so, the end numbering, .001-- 2 etc has to be removed to make them .obj files.

Even then, they do not open ----should each not have MTL files attached?

Very odd

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2102.35 In reply to 2102.33 
Hi Paolo,

> If you want a good result in 3d-coat the object
> has to be a single mesh in which each polygon
> has only one point on each vertex (i have got frustrated
> on this)

If you want every polygon to have only a single point shared between all adjacent polygons, you should normally be able to do this by enabling the "Weld vertices along edges" option inside of MoI.

To see that option you need to push the small arrow in the lower-left corner of the Meshing options dialog to open it up to see more options.

With that option enabled, does it give you the kind of output that you need for 3d-coat, or have you been seeing problems with welding enabled on output from MoI?

One other note - if you have constructed a model made up of individual surfaces (like by sweeping, etc..) make sure you use Join before exporting, so that MoI will know about the shared edges between the different surfaces. MoI does some extra work when you have shared edges to ensure that the meshing is "watertight" and has a unified structure along those edges. If you have individual surfaces not joined together, they can get meshed separately and get different vertex structures.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2102.36 In reply to 2102.35 
Hi Paolo,

I am really appreciate your effort...many thanks :)
Below is the result import to solidworks and convert the mesh to surface.
The next step is I will send the data to my mold maker next week and lets wait what will he say....

Paolo split the main file to separates file use this program

You can download the program so you can joint all the eight files into single obj file.

Thank You !!!
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2102.37 In reply to 2102.36 

Sorry. I am lost!

Why in the world would anyone need a separate app when virtually all 3D apps I know can join files?

Would not a simple zip file containg the all/or original .obj files be all that is required?

Messy stuff like that---way outside the norm/needed tends to drive this old bloke crazy!

Sorry-----never had close to that approach needed in my years with 3D

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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
2102.38 In reply to 2102.37 
Hi Brian,

You are right i was thinking about to
buy a zip conversion program

I wanted to give an answer to Anis in 24 hours
without spending money for one single case

If in the future i need to upload more files i will
certainly consider it
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2102.39 In reply to 2102.38 

Is not Winzip free?

Coming, as standard , with Windows?

I though creating a zip file, on any app, was standard?

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
@ Brian,
>>Is not Winzip free?

Yes, if you don't pay for it ;)

@ Paolo,

Alzip, free and opens rar and iso as well.

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 From:  Anis
2102.41 In reply to 2102.40 
Hi All...

try this one --- > Free

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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
2102.42 In reply to 2102.35 
Hi Michael,

Image A: OBJ from Moi3D to 3dCoat:
In this case i used the 'smooth' option in 3dCoat

With more complicated objects from Moi3d (especially
when i use boolean)with sharp edges,it seems that
3dCoat sees them as single surfaces.

IMAGE B: OBJ from Moi3D to SILO:
Here you can see two narrow surfaces(using Blend in Moi)
welded to three big surfaces
You can see that the vertices of the big surfaces don't end
in the same vertices of the narrow surfaces

IMAGE C: Export OBJ in Moi
I used join and welding vertices set to on

Thanks Brian,DannyT and Anis
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2102.43 In reply to 2102.42 
Hi Paolo, can you please post the .3dm model file so I can test it over here?

It looks like you should have matching vertices along those edges - note that you can have matching vertices even if the UV grids do not perfectly match. There will be n-gons created there that have matching points for each different surface along the common edge.

Possibly the n-gon output is confusing you there - you may want to switch the Output: option to Output:Triangles to more easily see where all the vertices are connected to one another. Also here is a previous discussion with some illustrations that may help:

It is likely that your problem in Silo there is that Silo doesn't like the n-gons in that particular area, if you switch to Output: Quads & Triangles when exporting from MoI, that may solve the problem there.

Similarly I don't think that 3D Coat likes to have n-gon polygons, I would also recommend using Output: Quads & Triangles for export to 3D Coat and in addition to that it would work better for displacement type actions if you were to dice up your polygons into more evenly sized smaller pieces by using the "Divide larger than" option when exporting from MoI. Here are some examples:

But if you can please post your .3dm file it would help me to test and verify.

- Michael
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
2102.44 In reply to 2102.43 
Thank you Michael,

I will read dose discussions carefully

It's a small problem because in silo i replace
the bad polygons with new one's

You can find the fuut.3dm model file in message
2202.12 early in this thread
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2102.45 In reply to 2102.44 
Hi Paolo,

> You can find the fuut.3dm model file in message
> 2202.12 early in this thread

I examined your model and it all seems to be joined properly and in the polygon output I can't find any mismatching vertices.

I think that possibly the n-gon output is giving you the wrong idea about not having matching vertices here, let me illustrate this a bit.

Here is a view of the mesh output from MoI:

Zooming into the circled area above, let me focus on this polygon shaded in red here:

That polygon does not have the exact same UV "quad" structure as the surface adjacent to it, but that does not mean that it does not have shared points.

You will get an n-gon there that has points added to it to match every single point from the other surface, so for instance that polygon shaded in red is not actually a quad like you might think at first, it is actually a 5-point n-gon with points in it like so:

Note how point #4 was added so that there are shared vertices between all polygons.

If you switch to Output: Quads & Triangles this may become more clear, as you will see those n-gon polygons broken down into triangles:

Unfortunately, it is not very unusual for programs to have difficulty and various bugs when dealing with n-gon polygon data. That is likely to be what you are seeing in that area in Silo. when you see this problem the easiest solution is to switch the Output: option in MoI's exporter to Output: Quads & Triangles - this will use MoI's code to break the n-gon into only 3 or 4-sided polygons which will avoid n-gon processing bugs in your other program.

To verify the data, I took your fuut.3dm file converted with default options (with n-gons) into Cinema4D and did not see any problems there:

Also in Cinema4D I moved individual vertices around to verify that there were only single vertices as expected after using the "weld" export from MoI and could not find any duplicated vertices.

I also took the data into Rhino and used its CheckMesh tool which reported the mesh as solid which means there were all shared vertices in there as well.

So as best as I can tell the data exported from MoI has all single vertices like you wanted to get.

Generally when you see things like you saw in Silo it is an indication of an n-gon processing bug in the other application, you can report it to the other application's authors for them to fix, or you can switch to Output:Quads & Triangles when exporting from MoI to avoid using n-gons.

For 3D coat like I mentioned previously it is also a little different - not only does it not really want n-gons but I think it also wants to have more evenly sized polygons so you'll want to use the "divide larger than" option to dice up polygons into smaller bits at export time so that the mesh is formed better for displacement type use (that's in addition to using Output: Quads & Triangles). See some of those previous links for some examples of doing this kind of "evenly size dicing".

In general if you are seeing a lot of these problems I would suggest switching to Output:Quads & Triangles instead and probably they will all go away. If that is not the case please let me know.

Hope this helps,

- Michael


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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
2102.46 In reply to 2102.45 
Thanks Michael,

It's all clear to me now
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 From:  Anis
2102.47 In reply to 2102.46 
Just found a sample model that can use as "sample for idea".
Still not have time to model in moi.


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