eps import won't work.
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
2085.4 In reply to 2085.3 
I guess then, I don't understand why MOI doesn't provide basic SVG support, as the definition and syntax of curves is much simpler and always consistent.

I will try your suggestion.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2085.5 In reply to 2085.4 
Hi Crusoe,

> I guess then, I don't understand why MOI doesn't
> provide basic SVG support

Just the same reason as everything else - I have not yet had time to get to that. It is on my todo list though.

Typically any kind of file format type work (especially importing) tends to be much more time consuming than you might at first guess.

The SVG spec (available here as PDF) is a 719 page document. It will take some time to read that over and understand all the details.

Some areas which can tend to make things more complex are finding whether stuff like grouping, nesting things, and transforms tend to be commonly used or not.

AI format has been around for a lot longer (so more broadly supported except by Inkscape as an anomaly) and was requested by more people so that got the attention first...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2085.6 In reply to 2085.1 
Hi Crusoe, I have tuned up the next v2 beta so that it can read this EPS file now, although it comes in upside-down since it does not read the transforms out of EPS.

- Michael
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