Requests &...from Pilou:)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
A fully screen without UI?
Practical for a maximum "snapshot image" and total immersion :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
207.55 In reply to 207.54 
> A fully screen without UI?

It's not perfect, but this will get you mostly there.

First, create a new "scripts" directory underneath the main MoI program directory (on an equal level as "commands" and "ui").

Unzip the attached FullScreen.js and put it in there. So the path for this file should be something like: C:\Program Files\MoI beta Dec-1-2006\scripts\FullScreen.js

Go to your moi.ini and add a line:

[Shortcut Keys]

Now pushing F11 will toggle the UI on or off. Right now there will be a little blank area left, I think I should be able to remove that for the next beta. (edit: yes, this is now fixed for the next beta so there won't be any extra blank space).

- Michael

EDIT: updated attached script to work with new UI panels added in v2.



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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
207.56 In reply to 207.55 
Thx :)
Try that in a short while
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

Full screen works like a charm !
There is yet of course the little vertical white line, but very little if you put"0" inside the Size of the UI in the Options :)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

About the "ini" file : how this file is managed when a new beta is released?
Adding, crushing, overwriting?
Automatic or we must copy/past some lines of the the previous file?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
207.59 In reply to 207.58 
> About the "ini" file : how this file is managed when a new beta is released?
> Adding, crushing, overwriting?
> Automatic or we must copy/past some lines of the the previous file?

The new beta will use the same file .ini file as the old beta. The .ini file will get things added to it if there are any new settings in the new beta, but all the old stuff will stay as it is. So that part is automatic.

But you will need to copy the FullScreen.js file again for the new beta though, that is separate from the .ini file.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Sorry no time now for think of that, but I suppose it's a classic construction :)
How draw the red curve "Developping of circle" with moi ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
207.61 In reply to 207.60 
> No time for think of that, but I suppose it's a classic construction :)
> How draw the red curve "Developping of circle"

Hi Pilou - many of these types of mathematical curves are not really suited for "drawing" with the mouse exactly. This is the type of thing that you would probably need to generate using a more specialized program, maybe something like Mathematica.

It would be possible to construct this in MoI by using some fairly complex scripts to generate a point list and create a curve using those points. But that will be pretty involved.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
207.62 In reply to 207.61 

So I must think more about this little problem :D
Graphic construction must be possible with only clipers(?) and ruler and "Through point line" :)

What is the exact name of the curves that is used in Moi :"Through point?"
Nurbs yes but what about the tangent ? or the degre of tension (streching) between 1 point between 2 points?

EDITED: 21 Dec 2006 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Something cool that I have not yet seen ! :)
Circle "tangent" can be draw along the "helpers lines"

Take the Circle "tangent" function
Draw somes "helpers lines"
Clic 2 points on these helpers lines
The possible circles are drawing moving !

Ps Request : "Helpers lines" can be also " Helpers circles"
Seems that will be great :)
Rules and dividers are the bases of geometry :)

EDITED: 21 Dec 2006 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
207.64 In reply to 207.62 
> What is the exact name of the curves that is used in Moi :"Through point?"

The method for creating that type of curve is usually called an "interpolated curve". One good reference for this is The NURBS Book, Les Piegl & Wayne Tiller, Springer-Verlag 1995–1997.

You may be able to find something online about "NURBS interpolation".

> Nurbs yes but what about the tangent ?
> or the degre of tension (streching) between 1 point between 2 points?

The version MoI uses creates a tangent automatically. You can edit it later by turning on control points and moving the second-to-last point around.

The tension is actually updated for the next beta release, it will use a type called "centripetal knot spacing".

But the "Through point" method is not really the best way to create a curve for the method that you are thinking, though - because it forces the curve to go exactly through every point, it tends to create wiggles in the curve when you have many points. For creating a curve through many points there is a different process called "fitting" which creates a curve that is guided by the points (to a certain tolerance) but is not forced to go exactly through them. That is usually a better way to get a smooth curve. MoI doesn't expose a way to do this right now, but Rhino does with the FitCrv command.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
207.65 In reply to 207.63 
> Ps Request : "Helpers lines" can be also " Helpers circles"
> Seems that will be great :)
> Rules and dividers are the bases of geometry :)

Hmmm. But it's not too hard to just draw a circle to use for such a construction, and delete it after you are done...

A line is kind of a special case since a construction line extends infinitely in each direction so it gives something extra (beyond the automatic cleanup) than just drawing a regular line.

A "construction circle" wouldn't really give very much extra benefit over just drawing a regular circle.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
207.66 In reply to 207.65 

Just for the beauty of the thing :)
So for the permanent figures
a nature of the draw (solid, dashed, dotted...)?(as the grid lines)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
207.67 In reply to 207.66 
> Just for the beauty of the thing :)
> So for the permanent figures
> a nature of the draw (solid, dashed, dotted...)?(as the grid lines)

Yes, I think that this will happen eventually. It would make sense to be able to take any object and sort of "lock" it like this so that it can be used as a construction/reference type object without getting in the way too much.

I'm not quite sure when though.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

A little not very serious exercice with the Developping curve from a circle
I found the good measure of the perimeter of the circle with only control points, rule and circles :)
So I will can now construc the real curve
But all depend of the "measure" of the distance of your Control points "above" the curve:
are they proportional of something or are they pure random?
I am very anxious :D
Final curve tomorrow :)

Ps Of course I can make the same with only a numeric calculate :)

EDITED: 21 Dec 2006 by PILOU


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 From:  Michael Gibson
207.69 In reply to 207.68 
> But all depend of the "measure" of the distance of your Control points "above"
> the curve: are they proportional of something or are they pure random?

That distance is not random, but it is not really a fixed distance for any single point, because the shape of the curve depends on more than just that one control point, it depends on the surrounding control points as well.

For example, if you leave that one control point in place, but move the one next to it 100 units away, the original control point will now be a further distance away from the curve. The curve at any one spot is affected by several nearby control points.

But the more control points you use, the smaller area of curve is affected by each point. So if you use a fairly large number of points, the accuracy will keep on improving.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
207.70 In reply to 207.69 

So my construction from your "control point measure" is false :)
It was the hasard :)
But my measure by numeric calculate is of course good :)
And I can build my curve anyway
Each line is perpendicular from the curve to the circle
Do you think now that your system of control point "past" to the real curve?
I have taken one more so I estimate that the 8 first are good, the 9 maybe not yet...

EDITED: 22 Dec 2006 by PILOU


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
"Paradoxal gear" : application of the Developping curve of a circle :)
Some videos
(interesting artical inside in french but many images)

EDITED: 22 Dec 2006 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
207.72 In reply to 207.71 
Wow, that's a super cool moving statue! Sort of hypnotic...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
207.73 In reply to 207.70 
> Each line is perpendicular from the curve to the circle

It's looking quite good!

> Do you think now that your system of control point "past" to the real curve?

I'm sorry Pilou, I don't understand this one question, can you explain it some more?

- Michael
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