No.1 Pocket Kodak ~ Done!
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 From:  BurrMan
2062.8 In reply to 2062.7 
Still hypershot? The renders are very nice. Quick default stuff or did you spend time to get the look right?

Still red on this one! Back to the Saki!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Click clack thank you Kodak ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2062.10 In reply to 2062.1 
Wow, it turned out fantastic! Amazing level of detail.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Thanks guys,

Just to go through the basic process, MoI to Carrara Express to apply basic colors to each component so Hypershot can recogonise each component as a seperate object otherwise it comes in as one object, I don't know why Hypershot does this but it is annoying.
The materials and shaders used are standard Hypershot materials which can be edited, some of them I had to tweak, like the box colour and the leather on the main body, otherwise everything else was stock standard, it's the easiest rendering program around a bit like MoI, simple yet powerful, with accurate results.

One more note, Michael your .obj translator is world class if not No.1, Hypershot will import .3dm files, so you open a .3dm file watch the progress bar convert it into an object file and open, great, looks ok, I thought I could miss that step in MoI, but when I tried to bring in this project it come in as a what I thought was a partial wire frame but in fact they were slithers of polygons it failed miserably, for simple parts it works fine, but then you haven't got the amount of control in the mesh as you have with MoI.

Also just to mention the total assembly ended up at 89 Mb as .3dm, 135 Mb and 914370 Polys as .obj.

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 From:  Anis
2062.12 In reply to 2062.11 
Hi Danny....

You create the model as a single part or as many parts then assemble them....?
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2062.13 In reply to 2062.12 
Hi Anis,

I model two or three related parts in one file eg. the film winder on the top right of the camera is made up of 3 parts. Then I have a main assembly file where I bring the other files in and start assembling.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2062.14 In reply to 2062.11 
Hi Danny,

> One more note, Michael your .obj translator is world class if not No.1,

Thanks!! Yeah that was probably the single most difficult area of MoI to write.

Mesh conversion is a pretty difficult and finicky thing to handle well, it is really easy for polygons to kind of "leak outside" more complex boundaries if certain situations are not handled with particular care.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2062.15 In reply to 2062.11 
does the Hypershot rendering of Kodak is real time or some minutes?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  PaQ
Hey Danny, if you have some time could you show some MoI close up from this 2 parts (especially the A one, looks an interesting shape, but I don't really understand it because of the reflection)

Is it any part that was more complex to build than an other ?

Thanks a lot !

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2062.17 In reply to 2062.15 
Hi Pilou,

As you apply the materials in Hypershot it renders in realtime so you can see instantly what it will look like.
You then can apply some different settings, like alpha channels etc. and hit the render button which will take minutes to render, most of the shots you see here took under 15min to render and one or two are screen shots only, which are fine for web viewing.

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 From:  Grendel
It turned out great. :) How do you like Hypershot, you seem to get good results with it.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2062.19 In reply to 2062.16 
Hi PaQ,

>Is it any part that was more complex to build than an other ?

Funny you should ask because the parts A and B that you want a close up of were probably the parts that took the longest time to process, what I mean is that once I executed the Boolean operation I went away, had a coffee and a chat with the wife then come back and do the next Boolean operation.
You will notice with the scriber that there is a fault because I couldn't get the last Boolean to work so there is one twist missing, but for this project I wasn't too fussed.

The trick is with this kind of knurl pattern is to make the crossing Booleans a slightly smaller diameter, it'll will seem that MoI has hung but be patient it will do it, there is some serious number crunching going on there, you'll see what I mean from the close ups.

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2062.20 In reply to 2062.18 
Hi Grendel,

> How do you like Hypershot, you seem to get good results with it.

For the price of the web license and virtually no learning curve it suits me, Hypershot is good for industrial type design objects but if you want something with atmosphere I think I'll have to look at something else for that, something with more control I think.
I've just got into rendering apps seriously in the past 8 months or so, so I'm still learning, I've mentioned this before, Hypershot is a no brainer when it comes to rendering apps.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2062.21 In reply to 2062.19 
you have no better time to make just a "line" of Boolean and make some Array Curve? ;)
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 From:  PaQ
2062.22 In reply to 2062.19 
Hi Danny,

Thanks a lot for the close-up, I knew there was some cool details there, but I didn't expect to see this kind of crazy booelans !!
I hope you'll render some huge shot anytime to capture all this details !

Fantastic work ... again !
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 From:  Grendel
I just tried the demo for hypershot. I also brought it from MOI into carrara by OBJ, and imported into a group. Then assigned simple colors but when I export from Carrara to import to Hyper all the pieces are flat black. Do you use quads/tris or nogon out of MOI? Any idea about this?
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2062.24 In reply to 2062.23 
Hi Grendel,

>....when I export from Carrara to import to Hyper all the pieces are flat black.

Yeah, It happened to me at first, then I tried some different settings in Carrara and found that with the material output options 'None', 'Colours Only' and 'Textures' I think, set it to 'None', yes I know it's strange to apply colours then output it with no colours but for some reason I think it rewrites the object file for Hypershot to recognise the separate objects and then you should be able to see the objects in shades of blue and green.

Could you let us know if this is the case for you ?

Oh, yeah quads/tris

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2062.25 In reply to 2062.24 
Just to show that some great learning from your work.

Thanks Danny.


EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2062.26 In reply to 2062.25 
No Probs Brian, that's why we're all here, to learn.

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2062.27 In reply to 2062.21 
Hi Pilou,

>you have no better time to make just a "line" of Boolean and make some Array Curve? ;)

That's how I did that, Curve>sweep (circle)>Array>Boolean but if I tried to Boolean all the Array at once MoI would fail, then found that it could Boolean 3 or 4 of the arrayed sweeps at a time.
Is that what you mean ?

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