waspbot 2008
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2060.42 In reply to 2060.41 
hmmm animated /me shudders :)
yes i have plans on modeling more bugbots too so stay tuned :)
hmm wd40, i would keep parts separate for texturing, just to save time
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2060.43 In reply to 2060.42 
ok i had to start remodeling the flower thing i made for the antbot because i have lost the file. but as a bonus its another chance to continue using moi \0/
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2060.44 In reply to 2060.43 
and a test render with them together
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2060.45 In reply to 2060.44 
Some great product ideas there.
Very marketable--all, I would think!

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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2060.46 In reply to 2060.45 
thanks mate
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2060.47 In reply to 2060.46 
little wallpaper glory shot of the waspbot
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2060.48 In reply to 2060.47 
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Anis
2060.49 In reply to 2060.48 

Would you like to share some of the construction curves ?
Of course I want to learn how to create 3D character model in moi.


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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
2060.50 In reply to 2060.49 
thanks guys
anis i shall have a look later but im think i deleted them all as i went along (there was too many :()
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