Hi All
Michael still no go with your cylinder_test file.
Just to clarify, my interest here is in being able to take a model from MoI into Alibre and use the "create drawing" feature with dimensioning, annotation, etc.
Anis' result is the same as mine. In Alibre's drawing window, the dimensioning utility should recognise the circle and dimension it as it does in SoidWorks. But it doesn't happen. It is the same in the 3d window of Alibre...one should be able to dimension circles there too. Lines are no problem .
I tried quite a few import options without success.
Here is a cylinder object made in Alibre. There are options to export 3 diff types of stp file, I just picked one.
In MoI when one makes a cylinder by extrusion, it is customary to delete the original circle, whereas in Alibre the original circle remains as an editable object. So I also tried extruding a cylinder in MoI and not deleting the circle. But Alibre would have none of that and refused to even open the file.
I will keep playing around as and when I have time. But, Michael, please don't loose sleep over it!!