Hot keys of Moi3D
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 From:  tyglik
204.13 In reply to 204.11 
Hi Michael,

After releasing new beta you have surely time for hanging around... hehe... Anyway, could you spend some time advising me on scripting?

I'd like to make a script enabling to define a two-key shortcuts for a given group of commands. I've written some code, but I'm not able to find any MoI's object that can receive a keyboard event. I've also tried ineffectually to grab some UI using getUIPanel() method for window.event.keyCode property.

I'm just wondering if is there currently a way to get the following script working or I must write related html file with a form and "onkeypress/onchange..." handling.

// boolean group is called with shortcut B=Booleans.js

// something is missing here...

while ( 1 )
        var key = WHICH_OBJECT?.event.keyCode;

        if ( typeof( key ) == 'number' )

var keychar = String.fromCharCode( key ).toLowerCase();

// bu ->BooleanUnion
if      ( keychar == 'u' )
        moi.command.execCommand( 'BooleanUnion' );
// bd ->BooleanDifference 
else if ( keychar == 'd' )
        moi.command.execCommand( 'BooleanDifference' );
// bi ->BooleanIntersection 
else if ( keychar == 'i' )
        moi.command.execCommand( 'BooleanIntersection' );

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
204.14 In reply to 204.13 

Just a problem of design !
"Yellow words" are unreadible over white page! :)
Maybe orange?

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
204.15 In reply to 204.13 
Hi Petr, there isn't any way to do that exactly right now. Right now keystrokes don't generate any particular scriptable MoI-specific events, since they are more intended to launch keyboard shortcuts from the moi.ini file.

I've attached one method - this is set up as a command, not a script, so set the keyboard shortcut as B=BoolLaunch (no .js at the end).

Note that you need to explicitly set focus on to the particular element so that it will receive keyboard events.

Still there is a problem - if you have any keyboard shortcuts set up for "i", "d", or "u", those will always get triggered with a keystroke and the shortcut will eat the keystroke so I don't think the regular HTML event will trigger in that case. There is a special case for this if you have a numeric input and your keystroke is a numeric character, it won't eat it in that case but there isn't a way to override shortcuts for other keystrokes right now.

- Michael

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 From:  tyglik
204.16 In reply to 204.15 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for helping.

>>Still there is a problem - if you have any keyboard shortcuts
>>set up for "i", "d", or "u", those will always get
>>triggered with a keystroke and the shortcut will eat
>>the keystroke so I don't think the regular HTML event
>>will trigger in that case.

I have tried it and noticed that a keyboard shortcut is eaten by the keystroke only when defining scripts directly. For instance I set the shortcut I=script:moi.geometryDatabase.invertSelection();" then typing "bi" (the alias for BooleanIntersection in the "BoolLaunch.htm" file) triggers both Invert and BooleanIntersection command.

But there is way to trigger only the BooleanIntersection command by typing alias in case I make the "Invert.js" file with a script for inverting selection, copy it to the \commands directory and define the shortcut "I=Invert".
Unfortunately, it causes that the shortcut "I" cannot be used further to invert a selection from within running command since it aborts current one.

Anyway, I guess there are more important things to do for V1,V2 than an issue of aliases...


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