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 From:  Michael Gibson
1991.70 In reply to 1991.69 
Hi Paolo, thanks for posting the model data.

I do not believe that there is any true tangent solution possible to the situation you originally wanted between the cylinder end edges, since those 3 end circles of the cylinders are all in different planes.

I can see that Rhino gives you a solution anyway, however it is not really a fully correct solution, if you actually examine the result that you got in your bal7B.3dm file, you can see that those circles have a deviation between their tangents of about 1.5 degrees.

You can examine that by putting in some trimming lines like so:

Then slice your circles into arcs and run Rhino's gcon command:

The gcon command tells you that they are G1 since the error is below the default 3 degree angle tolerance in Rhino. However, that deviation of 1.5 degrees seems to be a pretty significant amount, I'm not really very comfortable with making a "solution" like that where there is no real solution available.

The other method that you showed is different - by framing your problem all in a single plane you have an actual legitimate solution in the other construction that you showed.

- Michael

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 From:  Jeff (JEFFPATTON)
1991.71 In reply to 1991.67 
"Can you test one thing please - when you export from MoI click the little arrow in the lower-left corner of the Meshing options dialog and try one version with "Weld vertices along edges" turned off and one with it turned on."

Good call! It only crashes when the "Weld vertices along edges" is enabled for the .fbx export. If I disable that, I have no problems rendering/working with this mesh.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1991.72 In reply to 1991.71 
Thanks for testing that Jeff, that gives me a specific thing to focus on.

Does the "welding-on" crash happen on something really basic like a sphere?

If so then I will make a couple of different sphere tests for you to try so I can try to figure out how to have welding enabled without nuking Max.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
1991.73 In reply to 1991.72 
Hi Michael,

Although I have not been active on forum for a while, I do look in regularly and have been using the beta builds.

Some nice improvements/additions.

I have seen some (at the moment) unrepeatable problems with trimming, so will let you know if I can eventually repeat them in a saved file (it was looking like the problem with the booleans, where it would not be correct on the first attempt).


- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1991.74 In reply to 1991.73 
Hi Steve, thanks!

I don't currently have any other reports of intermittent trim problems, like where it won't work but will work if you try it again. It would definitely help if you could get a reproducible example.

I'll keep my eyes open for that issue as well though.

- Michael
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