Sketchup SKP export
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 From:  Greavesy (SPGREAVES)
1978.84 In reply to 1978.83 

Thanks for responding so quickly.

By selecting all in Sketchup then hiding and unhiding and then selecting all again and smoothing I can get the sketchy edges to render.

One other problem is the holes on the test piece aren't rendering the sketchy edges - presumably because the edges are too short for the style but if I select all the short edges that form the circular profiles for the holes and weld (weld.rb) them into polylines, they will render.

Not sure if this is fixable in the export or not?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1978.85 In reply to 1978.84 
Hi Simon,

> By selecting all in Sketchup then hiding and unhiding and
> then selecting all again and smoothing I can get the sketchy
> edges to render.

That should get you going for the moment, but for the next beta I have fixed this up so that it will not be necessary to do these extra steps.

> One other problem is the holes on the test piece aren't
> rendering the sketchy edges - presumably because the edges
> are too short for the style

Yeah, I noticed this happening on some styles myself as well.

However, if you zoom in so that the edges are a bit larger on the screen then the rendering seems to kick in.

As far as I can tell it is a limitation in some of those styles that they do not work well on edges that are only a small size on the screen, once you zoom in and the edges take up more space on the screen they start to work. Is that the same thing that you are seeing?

> Not sure if this is fixable in the export or not?

It does not seem to be particularly easy to tweak from the export side, since it is dependent on how big your final shape is going to be on the screen in SketchUp.

If I just duplicated all possible things into additional polylines, that would probably lead to stacked up or doubled drawing in some instances as well... At least that is my initial worry about it.

If the sketch style in SketchUp is just not set up to do rounded things, I'm not sure what I can really do about that from my side. Maybe it is possible to tweak some of the properties of those styles in SketchUp to enable them to work on small edges, or you may need to ask the SketchUp developers to update that style engine to work more automatically on a kind of longer "chain" of edges more automatically rather than on a sort of more individual little edge at a time...

- Michael
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 From:  Greavesy (SPGREAVES)
1978.86 In reply to 1978.85 
Hi Michael,

When a curve is formed from 'joined-up' edges in Sketchup the rendering seems fine. Although there is a lower limit on size it seems quite small. But generally it will do curves and rounded things fine.

I think the styles are built up from a series of different sized images. It may be that using the Sketchup Style-builder you can extend a style to add an extra small size image to the series of images to cope with small disconnected edges being used to describe curves.

Is there any way to force the geometry on export/import to mimic how Sketchup is representing the curves when they're created in Sketchup natively?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1978.87 In reply to 1978.86 
Hi Simon,

> When a curve is formed from 'joined-up' edges in Sketchup
> the rendering seems fine. Although there is a lower limit on
> size it seems quite small. But generally it will do curves and
> rounded things fine.

I think that the best result would be if the SketchUp display engine automatically chained together a series of small edges like this into a larger "logical edge" so that it could get that improved display without any extra work-arounds...

Have you been able to contact the SketchUp developers to ask that they improve their display engine to do this?

> Is there any way to force the geometry on export/import to
> mimic how Sketchup is representing the curves when they're
> created in Sketchup natively?

It is possible for me to emit polylines in addition to the edges, but I would worry that it would create a kind of "doubled rendering" effect if I just simply duplicated all edges of a model with additional longer polylines.

It is hard to figure out a way to only target just some edges, because the ones that would need it depend on your screen size and zoom factor while in SketchUp, just trying to duplicate only edges that are of a certain fixed absolute size would probably not get it right all the time.

Because it is based on display screen size, it would work better if it was covered better by that styles engine directly inside of SketchUp rather than by trying to hack around limitations...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1978.88 In reply to 1978.86 
Hi Simon, also one other thing,

> When a curve is formed from 'joined-up' edges in
> Sketchup the rendering seems fine.

Even without doing that, the stylized edges should show up when you zoom in on them a bit.

Do you see that happen?

Edges that are large enough on the screen at your current zoom level and view angle should show up already without doing any extra processing on them.

It just seems to be a limitation of the "sketchy styles" engine that it does not really like to have small edges, it would probably work better if they could automatically join together a series of small edges around a surface boundary if they find that they are too small to show up in the regular rendering.

- Michael
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 From:  Greavesy (SPGREAVES)
1978.89 In reply to 1978.88 
Hi Michael,

Yes I do see the short edges get rendered when I zoom in but it makes the render look quite 'bitty' especially when you animate some sketchup scenes as detail appears and disappears.

There is a 'dropout length' specified for these sketchy styles when you build a style in Stylebuilder that is suposed to govern whether an attempt is made to render the edges or not. Also you can define a set of strokes 16px, 32px etc for the style. I'm going to try and create a custom style to see if it will render the smaller edges better without having to worry about them being polylines or having to weld them together.

I undestand the difficulty with duplicate polylines also. Maybe its worth a test if it doesn't take much effort and include it as an option - but as you've said, how do you decide which edges to chain together on export!

I haven't contacted the sketchup engineers yet - their front door isn't obvious to find, despite it being Google! Also, I don't expect I'll get the kind of service that you give. Very personable, very quick and very good! This isn't an MOI problem its a problem with how Sketchup handles imported meshes/geometry when rendering with these type of styles.

I'll keep trying a few things and update you if I have any luck. I do like that sketchy render look for concept stuff and artwork and haven't been that satisfied with C4D's Sketch and Toon or Rhino's Penguin. I'm going to look at Brazil for Rhino also as that has a toon feature. Perhaps you could include a sketchy renderer in MOI 3 then I wouldn't have to leave the confines of MOI ... now that would be great!

Anyway, once again thanks for you help, much appreciated!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1978.90 In reply to 1978.89 
Hi Simon, I am definitely interested in doing a sketch style render directly in MoI in the future sometime, that kind of a style is a fun way to present your model!

But it will probably be a fair ways out before I'll be able to focus time on that area. It is really hard at this point to guess at a timeline for it.

> Maybe its worth a test if it doesn't take much effort and
> include it as an option - but as you've said, how do you decide
> which edges to chain together on export!

Could you please post a sample simple .3dm file of something that you wish worked better?

That would let me try doing some tests and let me send back the experimental .skp to you to see if it does what you need better.

It may be possible for me to do something like emit one extra polyline for every edge in the MoI model which may do what you need, or at least get closer. I did a very quick initial test of it and it seems to be better for sketchy styles, but it will probably have to be an optional thing that you enable because it looks like some of the extra polylines created in this way can kind of remain stuck in their original positions when you try to do certain push/pulls of the model. But it does not seem to cause duplicate rendering issues so much which I thought would be a bad problem.

- Michael
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