Scene Tree
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Definitely a lot of great ideas in here, keep on posting stuff!

Just a note - I think that probably the initial focus for this will need to be for handling a larger quantity of items.

I'd definitely like to have an optional way for it to be used in a smaller panel, there are many options for this like a pop-up or entry on the bottom toolbar as shown above, also another idea is to have it as an item on a tab on the side pane similar to "Construct", "Transform", etc...

But I think that lightweight option will have to come later, once a more comprehensive mechanism is available first.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
1944.28 In reply to 1944.27 
My 2 cents would be to utilize the most minimal layer/object manager within MoI's CommandProc, and have it read and write a "seperate" xml data file linked to objects. This could have a "Customizeable" tag/hierarchy system managed by the user. I could keep it simple or make it as robust as I want. I suppose the downfall would be that it's not compatable with "Other" higher end packages and these Moi Tags would be proprietary to MoI (At first, Down the road third party can easily manipulate the xml data)

Kind of a "Seperate" script with access to the objects and linking capabilities through the layer manager implemented in MoI.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1944.29 In reply to 1944.28 
Hi Burr - interesting idea... If you wanted to send a file to another person, would that mean that you would have to send both an .xml and a .3dm file to them in order for them to get layer data?

Data transfer to other machines tends to be the problem area with this kind of scheme...

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
1944.30 In reply to 1944.29 
>>interesting idea... If you wanted to send a file to another person, would that mean that you would have to send both an .xml and a .3dm file to them in order for them to get layer data?

I suppose. It does get bloated when you bring all the stuff in. The MoI "Assembly Exporter" could automatically "zipp" the required stuff if needing to share all the "added features" with others. The zip file could have a proprietary extension that then needs never be unzipped, MoI's "Assembly Importer" unzips the 2 files uses them, anytime an assembly is closed, it's just zipped up again. Something only utilized by those that require it. A "Moi.assm" file if you will.

It could get bloated when considering all the possibilities. I would think this could also be a third party tool if later MoI could expose the "Objects" through some kind of SDK. This could open the door (down the road) to incorporate database feature based modeling and have MoI be "third partied" into a full featured high end assembly package.

Seems for the common man, and probably your main target, alot of this kind of stuff is not considered or desired, but you have such a great product, your attracting Solidworks/nx users who want/can utilize the heavy stuff.

It could just be understood that if this is used in the process, there are some steps that have to be adhered to. (the whole reason opposite of your vision of MoI! :) but satisfying your high end clients.)

Again, it's just 2 cents from the peanut gallery!


EDITED: 7 Sep 2008 by BURRMAN

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 From:  BurrMan
1944.31 In reply to 1944.30 
Could even be an option in the installer! "Clean light version" "Add Organizational tools".

But if your like me, when you buy a new package and it says "will you need to be using this in space", I always say "yes" and install it because I want ALL" the functionality, even if I will never be in space.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1944.32 In reply to 1944.24 
Hi Michael,

> Actually, I would like to remove that little clock icon from the Edit palette
> and instead have history options for an object be part of the object properties panel.

Ahuh! I get it now.
That would! be nice.

> The main problem is that there is not a whole lot of room there, so it has to be kind
> of sparse by default but have ways to optionally expand to get at more stuff...

Couldn't you have that info window scroll or maybe tabbed to access the different areas of info ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1944.33 In reply to 1944.30 
Hi Burr, in the future I definitely do want to put some focus on opening up MoI for 3rd party developers, but in the early stages I've got to sort of keep more focused just on "regular" non-developer users first to make sure the basic UI is working well...

So I think that more of that kind of thing will happen later on, but for now just getting the basics is more of the target.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1944.34 In reply to 1944.32 
> Couldn't you have that info window scroll or maybe tabbed
> to access the different areas of info ?

Yeah - I try to avoid scrolling if possible, I had been thinking of tabs. But still there is not a lot of space even for a whole bunch of tabs so it won't necessarily be easy.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
1944.35 In reply to 1944.33 
>>So I think that more of that kind of thing will happen later on, but for now just getting the basics is more of the target.

Here here!

But you have to admit, the assembly file is a great idea! Ha! (Looking forward to MoI's future)


EDITED: 7 Sep 2008 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

EDITED: 8 Sep 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
A "miniature preview" on the right side panel when you select something on the tree list before to put in the screen view?

EDITED: 9 Sep 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1944.38 In reply to 1944.37 
Hi Pilou, interesting idea, but space is going to be very tight over there on the right side panel, I don't think that there will be adequate space available to have a preview like that but we'll see.

Also, usually the plan for showing object is to show them in the 3D viewports.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
About the Helpers and "constructions lines"
part of the tree? a special layer ? colors? ...
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  sk2k
Nice ideas.

I'm happy with any sort of scene tree/scene browser as long as it stay out of my way while working. :) Adding the scene management as a tab would be my preferred choice. Thanks. :)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
a little inside of object system ;)

Ps In Moi a copy of an object will be made the file size smaller? (like in Sketchup)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1944.42 In reply to 1944.41 
Hi Pilou,

> About the Helpers and "constructions lines"
> part of the tree? a special layer ? colors? ...

Hmm, I hadn't really thought about that part yet, but I suppose it would fit in well to include them as another object listed under the special "All objects" group.

> Ps In Moi a copy of an object will be made the file size smaller?
> (like in Sketchup)

That's something called "instancing", which is not going to be part of MoI's initial grouping/organizing system. It is something that I would like to add in the future though.

- Michael
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