Blender Importer
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 From:  sully (BHAINART)
1943.11 In reply to 1943.1 
Export your object/s from MOI as .lwo and then use the import script to bring the objects into Blender.

Load the script into Blenders text window an press Alt & P to open a file import window to navigate to your saved object on your hard drive.

If you have saved the import script into Blenders scripts folder then you can also load the file using a Python Script window from Blenders window buttons menu.

Finally. Don,t be tempted to "Remove Doubles" in "Edit Mode". It will mess up the normals with bad results for render.

Hope this helps......

Happy Blending!
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 From:  mharr
1943.12 In reply to 1943.11 
Thank you to everyone for these answers. I thought the script went into MOI somehow! lol... I will now be able to use it correctly! Appreciate the help.
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