Object Edit Frame query
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1930.11 In reply to 1930.10 
Hi Will, it's a good idea but that is pretty well already covered (match to some existing orientation) by the older transform tools, since they let you pick specific points to orient the transforms.

Like for example if you want to scale something along one particular direction, if the edit frame is not oriented in that direction you can instead use Transform / Scale / Scale1D instead - it will let you pick the origin point, and the direction point to orient how the scaling is applied.

Similarly if you want to rotate something by a relative angle to some existing points, the Transform/Rotate command will do that since it asks you for a center point and then a base point for the rotation so that base point allows you to set the same kind of orientation.

That's one thing that is nice about having those Transform tools that handle orientation already available - it let me make the edit frame more focused on doing more simple kinds of stuff very quickly instead.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
1930.12 In reply to 1930.11 
Hi Michael,

On a related note, I was having problems the other day trying to get the >Center< snap to activate for something I was working on...

I forget exactly what I was doing and what kind of object it was (curve, solid) but no matter what I did, I couldn't get a center snap in the middle of it when it was selected.

I seem to remember I was working at the "top" of say a Cylinder or an enlongated cube (think roof of a high-rise building) - I think I had the curve outline of the solid selected and I was trying to either scale or position something else in relation to that center point but I couldn't obtain a center snap of that selection??

However more recently, I've been seeing the center snap display on solids and other closed surfaces without problems (figgas being that I didn't need it now!)

I'm wondering is there any difference with that snap when using curves over solids? (I seem to remember that being the situation while I was working.)

And yes, I had definitely checked to make sure that snap was enabled!

I'll see if I can repro what I was doing and solidify the details but I believe it was a curve (assuming planar, possibly not) that I was attempting to get that center snap on.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1930.13 In reply to 1930.12 
Hi Will, the way that center snap works is it will find the center of a few particular kinds of objects, not necessarily the center of just an irregular solid.

It will find the center point on circle, circular arc, or ellipse curves (or edge curves), and also on polyline curves like a square or rectangle.

It will also find a center point on a face that has trim curves made up all of lines, like a face of a box.

My guess is that your shape did not have anything that fell into these categories, but it is tough for me to say for certain without seeing the actual model file.

I would like to add some functions to create a point at the centroid of a solid's mass, or at the center of its bounding box, but probably not as a full regular osnap because it would add a kind of strange snap off in the middle of space for most cases...

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
1930.14 In reply to 1930.13 
Thanks, as I mentioned, if I run into it again, I'll have more concrete evidence for you...

I believe it was simply an enlongated cube - a building as I had mentioned.

I remember using the ortho views trying to snap all the way at the top of the building but I couldn't get the center (dbl-clicked the top edge to get the curve) and then trying it from perspective it would only snap all the way back down on the ground plane...

Anyway, I'll keep an eye out. ;-)

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