Brian, it looks like you are missing surfaces. Did you export from MoI? or you imported the 3DM to Carrara? I always had problems with Carrara's mesher...
mmm... Photoview 360 (aka Modo via Solidworks) :P How do you like it so far? Have you used modo before? How does it compare in speed/handling of dense meshes?
Al - Rendering is not that difficult, really. Just takes a little practice to learn what techniques are effective or not. Don't be afraid to ask some questions. People are here to be used. I think we actually enjoy it... :)
Carrara did not like the 3dm file at all. One of those exercises where no screen image. and a huge minus size.(3dm files from MoI usually are fine)
I took the 3dm into MoI and saved out as an .obj. A couple of funny things but not serious enough to worry about just for this bit of rendering fun.