Isometrc, Trimetric, Dimetric ?
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1917.8 In reply to 1917.7 

Clicking on one of the web sites on Pilous post 1917.5 seems to jamb my computer.
(3 times!---have had to close down and restart)

Odd one.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1917.9 In reply to 1917.8 
so erased but curious worked fine for me ;)
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 From:  Mip (VINC)
1917.10 In reply to 1917.9 

It didn't work because the last character "L" was missing at the end of the link (html instead of htm).

Anyway, thank you for the always interesting posts and links.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)

There is a script for rhino called IsoMatch.
You have to pick 2 reference lines in 2d (at 30 degrees for example) to set up an isometric 3d view.

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 From:  Anis
1917.12 In reply to 1917.11 
Hi Marc,

So the script just work for rhino, isnt it ?

Thanks !
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
1917.13 In reply to 1917.12 
Yes, it's just for rhino.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.14 In reply to 1917.1 
Hi Anis,

you wrote:
> Any body know how to create an Isometrc, Trimetric or Dimetric 3D View in MoI ?

I've added a new option for the next beta to switch the 3D view's projection method between Perspective (which it normally uses now) or Parallel.

This should allow the 3D view to be set up as an isometric type view where there is no perspective foreshortening happening, it may possibly help with what you want to do.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1917.15 In reply to 1917.14 
does it possible to insert a ratio of proportion on the 3axes?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.16 In reply to 1917.15 
Hi Pilou,

> does it possible to insert a ratio of proportion on the 3axes?

I'm not quite sure what you mean - do you mean something that will deform the view by stretching it more in one direction than another direction?

It will not do that - it will perform an orthographic projection in the same way as the Top, Front, or Right views, but from any direction.

But you can control the precise view angle by using Options / View / 3D view angles - I think that may help if you want to get a particular angled proportions set up...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1917.17 In reply to 1917.16 
< I'm not quite sure what you mean - do you mean something that will deform the view by stretching it more in one direction than another direction?
Yes but just on the 3D view for a specific result : a ratio of rendering view not a ratio of measure!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.18 In reply to 1917.17 
Hi Pilou,

> Yes but just on the 3D view for a specific result : a ratio of
> rendering view not a ratio of measure!

I'm sorry Pilou, I don't quite understand - is there another program that does this style of projection that I could see as a reference?

The new option for MoI is just the standard one that all other CAD programs use for what is called a "parallel" projection.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1917.19 In reply to 1917.18 
< a "parallel" projection.
Yes but if you can enter a ratio on the 3 axes you can emulate any sort of view (iso, tri, di...) (excepted spherical view)
But not sure if it's necessary in Moi ;)
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
1917.20 In reply to 1917.14 
""it may possibly help with what you want to do.""

I know it's a lot of work but some basic printing abilities and some kind of "flattening" in 2d would definitely be on the path to become a more complete tool.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.21 In reply to 1917.20 
Hi Marc, I expect to have both of those eventually, but it is tough to guess at exactly when. There are still a lot of 3D modeling type functions that are kind of taking priority over that at the moment.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.22 In reply to 1917.19 
Hi Pilou,

> Yes but if you can enter a ratio on the 3 axes you can
> emulate any sort of view (iso, tri, di...) (excepted
> spherical view)

Do you know of another program that does this so I could see what kind of user interface would be expected for those kinds of parameters and what the results should be?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1917.23 In reply to 1917.22 
Not specially : Conic perspective / ortho perspective
and in the ortho artificial like x=x*.75, y =y*.75 z=z*.95 or anything you want (only for the 3D view render )
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.24 In reply to 1917.23 
Hi Pilou, well it would definitely help me understand if I could see an example from how another program does it.

For example would you expect a scale factor in x to apply to the world x axis, or to the horizontal axis on the 2D screen?

Is there no other program out there that does this already? I guess if not it might not be a very frequently used thing?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1917.25 In reply to 1917.24 
< For example would you expect a scale factor in x to apply to the world x axis, or to the horizontal axis on the 2D screen?
the "x" render factor is just apply on the 3D screen not in the 2D screen !
it's a visual factor, not a measure factor :)
2D view screen are real measures, 3D view screen (for these sorts of representation "false" measures: for printing for example)
not a prog (it's Illustraor) but something like that
Result in the 3D view screen (print) can be "distorted" by the factor of "render"
Is that pertinent? I don't kow :)

EDITED: 3 Sep 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  Mip (VINC)
1917.26 In reply to 1917.24 
As long as you can rotate a parallel view, it won't stay isometric or dimetric which are parallel views at a specific angle.
So I don't think that Pilou's demand is feasible unless he wants a static view.

This brings a question. Would it be possible, however, to have a "Home" view choice for parallel views ?
The user could then select the "home angle" (maybe in the options) : Isometric, dimetric or even define his favorite parallel view angle.
Edit : When a user would press "Reset" in the 3d parallel window, it would zoom to the selected object (like it actualy does) and reposition the camera at that preset angle (something like Sketchup's Iso button).

By the way, thank you Michael, for your involvement in this forum.
I have used dozens of programs since the early eighties but it's the first time that I can see such a direct interaction between programmer and users.


EDITED: 3 Sep 2008 by VINC

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.27 In reply to 1917.25 
Hi Pilou,

> but something like that
> Result in the 3D view screen (print) can be "distorted" by the
> factor of "render"
> Is that pertinent? I don't kow :)

It's a little hard for me to follow it since it is in French, but as far as I can see it has some options for "horizontal" and "vertical" and not for x= y= z= like you wrote previously?

I still could use a clearer example from an existing program to really understand...

It's possible that these options that you want would really be more applicable to a 2D-specific drafting program rather than the kind of 3D focus that MoI has.

- Michael
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