Isometrc, Trimetric, Dimetric ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.34 In reply to 1917.31 
Hi Anis, those views that you are showing there are now possible to get in MoI as of the last Sep-21 v2 beta, because of the addition of the "3D view projection: Parallel" option that is now available under Options / View.

That combined with the ability to set the view angles under View / 3D view angles gives you all the parts that you need to get those particular view styles.

It should be possible to make a keyboard shortcut script that will set them for you with a single keypress, I will see if I can cook that up for you.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.35 In reply to 1917.31 
Hi Anis, here are the scripts that you can use to set your view to the ones you showed.

These will work only in the current Sep-21 v2 beta, since it relies
on the new Parallel projection option that was introduced in that beta.

Set Isometric:
script:var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); vp.projection = 'Parallel'; vp.setAngles( 90 - (Math.asin(Math.tan(30 * Math.PI/180)) * 180/Math.PI), 45 );

Set Dimetric:
script:var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); vp.projection = 'Parallel'; var as13 = Math.asin(1/3); vp.setAngles( 90 - (Math.asin(Math.tan(as13)) * 180/Math.PI), as13 * 180/Math.PI );

Return to Perspective view:
script:var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); vp.projection = 'Perspective';

To use these, go to Options / Shortcut keys, and set up a new shortcut with
whatever key you want, and with the above items as the Command part.

Then you can use that keystroke to get that particular view.

Here is a demo, starting with the regular Perspective,
switching to Isometric, then switching to Dimetric:

There are different varieties of Dimetric views,
this one puts this angle at 45 degrees:

- Michael

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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
1917.36 In reply to 1917.35 
hi while talking about views is it possible to get a left view and bottom view etc instead of the right and top ?
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 From:  BurrMan
1917.37 In reply to 1917.36 
Hi dave,
Click on the left view button twice. The second click has an oposote view. Same for right and top.
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 From:  Anis
1917.38 In reply to 1917.37 
Hi Michael...

those script work very well... :). This will help me a lot to positioning 3D model.
in the future, how about add one more button on the bottom toolbar or replace the "3D" ?
Just my opinon.....

see image below :


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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
1917.39 In reply to 1917.38 
thanks burrman
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.40 In reply to 1917.38 
Hi Anis,

> in the future, how about add one more button on the bottom
> toolbar or replace the "3D" ?

It's kind of tough to think about doing that by default - it is generally a big goal for MoI to stay easy to use and have an uncluttered interface...

The more types of specialized things that get added to the top level tends to create clutter and tends to create complexity and confusion among people who are not MCAD experts.

Maybe in the future I will be able to make some options that will let you configure MoI to have those buttons, but at least in the meantime those keyboard shortcuts should get the job done for now.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1917.41 In reply to 1917.40 
Hi Michael,
Couldn't you incorporate a second pick on the 3D view button like the rest of the view buttons, isometric > trimetric.
Just a thought.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.42 In reply to 1917.41 
Hi Danny, not a bad idea, it is always nice to get more value for existing UI.

But I'm not so sure about cycling through many items, would that be like 3D, Parallel, Isometric, Dimetric, Trimetric, ...

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
1917.43 In reply to 1917.42 
How about :

3D Isometric>3D Dimetric>3D Trimetric

So without "3D" and "Parallel"
Just my idea... ;)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.44 In reply to 1917.43 
Hi Anis, so you mean you would like to remove the regular Perspective view?

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1917.45 In reply to 1917.44 
It's obviously a different world that some are involved with.

As MoI is set up now seems to be --well---at least 99% "normal" to all other apps I have ever used?

(The silly variations with Z of various apps is crazy!-----what a time waster! A juvenile difference that SHOULD have been resolved eons ago.)

(PS---There would be NO problems, about anything, if people had listened to me over the past three quarters of a century---though I HAVE to use a hearing aid nowadays!)

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1917.46 In reply to 1917.42 
Hi Michael,
>But I'm not so sure about cycling through many items, would that be like 3D, Parallel, Isometric, Dimetric, Trimetric, ...

Well, to tell you the truth it's fine how it is now, I just mentioned it because when first exploring MoI I noticed how you had a second pick option on the view icons, except for the 3D button, and always thought what could be the second pick option for the 3D icon then this thread started up.
So from experience, access to isometric and trimetric view is easy and quick, as for perspective and parallel they are always in a sub menu which makes sense because you either like to work in perspective or parallel and once set thats it.

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 From:  Anis
1917.47 In reply to 1917.44 
Hi Michael....

> Hi Anis, so you mean you would like to remove the regular Perspective view?

another idea :
when click the "3D" button twice it will activate "isometric". I think isometric view is one of the most view that need by user.
this will work similar to "top", "front", "right"

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.48 In reply to 1917.47 
Hi Anis,

> I think isometric view is one of the most view that need by user.

So far it does not seem to be needed by very many MoI users because I have had only very few requests for it...

I'm certainly happy to add things that are only going to be used by a small number of people, but it is pretty typical that such things take the form of a script macro or custom keyboard shortcut, rather than it becoming a part of the main default user interface.

That way the main user interface can stay much more simple and approachable to a wider range of people, but you still can get the function that you particularly need by pressing a single key.

It is actually possible for you to modify the UI to have additional buttons if you want, the UI is defined by .htm files that are in the \ui subfolder underneath MoI's main installation folder. If you would like to customize your own particular installation's UI you could do that by editing those files.

On the other hand, if more and more people start to ask about it, then it becomes more likely to get added to part of the default UI.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
1917.49 In reply to 1917.43 
Hi Michael...

Are you still remember this thread ?
Its has been a while...

Can you please add the scripts for isometric, dimetric, etc to ?
How about Danny suggestion to add "ISO" button combine with "3D" ?

So first time 3D then if I click once more will be ISO.

Thanks !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.50 In reply to 1917.49 
Hi Anis,

> Can you please add the scripts for isometric, dimetric, etc to
> ?

That's actually Petr's web site, so you would need to ask him to update it.

> How about Danny suggestion to add "ISO" button
> combine with "3D" ?
> So first time 3D then if I click once more will be ISO.

I don't know - it just seems to only come up so rarely...

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
1917.51 In reply to 1917.50 
Hi Michael...

> I don't know - it just seems to only come up so rarely...
For MoI user who use MoI for Mechanical parts, I think isometric view is important always use it when I want to create screen capture for example.
Lets see how another user say about this...

Thanks :)
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 From:  3DKiwi
While I'm a new user to MoI, I've been polygon modelling for 10 years or so, I don't recall ever using Isometric view mode in the various 3D programs that I have used. From what I read in the earlier posts in this thread it is possible to set up a script for this.

What would much more useful is the ability to change the viewport windows so rather than having either 1 or the 4 view split view I could have 2 windows like 3D and Top view when I needed just 2 views. Maybe that's possible by editing the UI. I haven't got that far yet.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
< That's actually Petr's web site, so you would need to ask him to update it.

I will made that (update) in my site, but that will be in French ;) (final tabs ' names of script are in english ;
(that is the Ptr site for the V2 + my own add ;

for the V1 you have that (exact mirror of the Ptr site for the V1 but in French ;)
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