Isometrc, Trimetric, Dimetric ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.24 In reply to 1917.23 
Hi Pilou, well it would definitely help me understand if I could see an example from how another program does it.

For example would you expect a scale factor in x to apply to the world x axis, or to the horizontal axis on the 2D screen?

Is there no other program out there that does this already? I guess if not it might not be a very frequently used thing?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1917.25 In reply to 1917.24 
< For example would you expect a scale factor in x to apply to the world x axis, or to the horizontal axis on the 2D screen?
the "x" render factor is just apply on the 3D screen not in the 2D screen !
it's a visual factor, not a measure factor :)
2D view screen are real measures, 3D view screen (for these sorts of representation "false" measures: for printing for example)
not a prog (it's Illustraor) but something like that
Result in the 3D view screen (print) can be "distorted" by the factor of "render"
Is that pertinent? I don't kow :)

EDITED: 3 Sep 2008 by PILOU

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 From:  Mip (VINC)
1917.26 In reply to 1917.24 
As long as you can rotate a parallel view, it won't stay isometric or dimetric which are parallel views at a specific angle.
So I don't think that Pilou's demand is feasible unless he wants a static view.

This brings a question. Would it be possible, however, to have a "Home" view choice for parallel views ?
The user could then select the "home angle" (maybe in the options) : Isometric, dimetric or even define his favorite parallel view angle.
Edit : When a user would press "Reset" in the 3d parallel window, it would zoom to the selected object (like it actualy does) and reposition the camera at that preset angle (something like Sketchup's Iso button).

By the way, thank you Michael, for your involvement in this forum.
I have used dozens of programs since the early eighties but it's the first time that I can see such a direct interaction between programmer and users.


EDITED: 3 Sep 2008 by VINC

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.27 In reply to 1917.25 
Hi Pilou,

> but something like that
> Result in the 3D view screen (print) can be "distorted" by the
> factor of "render"
> Is that pertinent? I don't kow :)

It's a little hard for me to follow it since it is in French, but as far as I can see it has some options for "horizontal" and "vertical" and not for x= y= z= like you wrote previously?

I still could use a clearer example from an existing program to really understand...

It's possible that these options that you want would really be more applicable to a 2D-specific drafting program rather than the kind of 3D focus that MoI has.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1917.28 In reply to 1917.27 
I don't know if a such prog exist but it's for representation not for modeling ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.29 In reply to 1917.26 
Hi Michel,

> This brings a question. Would it be possible, however,
> to have a "Home" view choice for parallel views ?
> The user could then select the "home angle" (maybe in
> the options) : Isometric, dimetric or even define his
> favorite parallel view angle.

The viewing angle of the 3D view is possible to set by a script, so you could set up a keyboard shortcut that would set the view to a particular angle. You could have a few different keys set up to do some different presets if you want...

The way you do it is to go to Options / Shortcut keys, then add in a new one, for the key put in whatever key you want and for the command put in this:
script:var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); vp.upDownAngle = 30.0; vp.leftRightAngle=60.0;

At some point in the future I would probably like to set up something like a "saved views" type thing but for now the keyboard shortcut script method should let you set that up. That script above will actually work in v1 or the current v2 beta already, but it won't be until the next beta that you will be able to turn perspective off.

> By the way, thank you Michael, for your involvement in this forum.

You're welcome! I certainly learn a lot and get a lot of ideas on how to make improvements by participating here as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Mip (VINC)
1917.30 In reply to 1917.29 
Hi Michael,

Thank you. I shall take some time to look at scripts.
They really add versatility to many aspects of the application.

Wouldn't the combination of such a script combined to the new parallel view be what Pilou is looking for ?

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 From:  Anis
1917.31 In reply to 1917.30 
Hi Michael.....

Just want to give you more clear ilustration...


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 From:  steve (STEEVE)
1917.32 In reply to 1917.31 
Hi Anis

what app is this?

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 From:  MER
1917.33 In reply to 1917.32 
Don't mean to step on Anis' toes here but that is SolidWorks 2009.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.34 In reply to 1917.31 
Hi Anis, those views that you are showing there are now possible to get in MoI as of the last Sep-21 v2 beta, because of the addition of the "3D view projection: Parallel" option that is now available under Options / View.

That combined with the ability to set the view angles under View / 3D view angles gives you all the parts that you need to get those particular view styles.

It should be possible to make a keyboard shortcut script that will set them for you with a single keypress, I will see if I can cook that up for you.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.35 In reply to 1917.31 
Hi Anis, here are the scripts that you can use to set your view to the ones you showed.

These will work only in the current Sep-21 v2 beta, since it relies
on the new Parallel projection option that was introduced in that beta.

Set Isometric:
script:var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); vp.projection = 'Parallel'; vp.setAngles( 90 - (Math.asin(Math.tan(30 * Math.PI/180)) * 180/Math.PI), 45 );

Set Dimetric:
script:var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); vp.projection = 'Parallel'; var as13 = Math.asin(1/3); vp.setAngles( 90 - (Math.asin(Math.tan(as13)) * 180/Math.PI), as13 * 180/Math.PI );

Return to Perspective view:
script:var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); vp.projection = 'Perspective';

To use these, go to Options / Shortcut keys, and set up a new shortcut with
whatever key you want, and with the above items as the Command part.

Then you can use that keystroke to get that particular view.

Here is a demo, starting with the regular Perspective,
switching to Isometric, then switching to Dimetric:

There are different varieties of Dimetric views,
this one puts this angle at 45 degrees:

- Michael

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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
1917.36 In reply to 1917.35 
hi while talking about views is it possible to get a left view and bottom view etc instead of the right and top ?
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 From:  BurrMan
1917.37 In reply to 1917.36 
Hi dave,
Click on the left view button twice. The second click has an oposote view. Same for right and top.
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 From:  Anis
1917.38 In reply to 1917.37 
Hi Michael...

those script work very well... :). This will help me a lot to positioning 3D model.
in the future, how about add one more button on the bottom toolbar or replace the "3D" ?
Just my opinon.....

see image below :


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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
1917.39 In reply to 1917.38 
thanks burrman
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.40 In reply to 1917.38 
Hi Anis,

> in the future, how about add one more button on the bottom
> toolbar or replace the "3D" ?

It's kind of tough to think about doing that by default - it is generally a big goal for MoI to stay easy to use and have an uncluttered interface...

The more types of specialized things that get added to the top level tends to create clutter and tends to create complexity and confusion among people who are not MCAD experts.

Maybe in the future I will be able to make some options that will let you configure MoI to have those buttons, but at least in the meantime those keyboard shortcuts should get the job done for now.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1917.41 In reply to 1917.40 
Hi Michael,
Couldn't you incorporate a second pick on the 3D view button like the rest of the view buttons, isometric > trimetric.
Just a thought.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1917.42 In reply to 1917.41 
Hi Danny, not a bad idea, it is always nice to get more value for existing UI.

But I'm not so sure about cycling through many items, would that be like 3D, Parallel, Isometric, Dimetric, Trimetric, ...

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
1917.43 In reply to 1917.42 
How about :

3D Isometric>3D Dimetric>3D Trimetric

So without "3D" and "Parallel"
Just my idea... ;)

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