Hi Michel,
> This brings a question. Would it be possible, however,
> to have a "Home" view choice for parallel views ?
> The user could then select the "home angle" (maybe in
> the options) : Isometric, dimetric or even define his
> favorite parallel view angle.
The viewing angle of the 3D view is possible to set by a script, so you could set up a keyboard shortcut that would set the view to a particular angle. You could have a few different keys set up to do some different presets if you want...
The way you do it is to go to Options / Shortcut keys, then add in a new one, for the key put in whatever key you want and for the command put in this:
code: script:var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); vp.upDownAngle = 30.0; vp.leftRightAngle=60.0;
At some point in the future I would probably like to set up something like a "saved views" type thing but for now the keyboard shortcut script method should let you set that up. That script above will actually work in v1 or the current v2 beta already, but it won't be until the next beta that you will be able to turn perspective off.
> By the way, thank you Michael, for your involvement in this forum.
You're welcome! I certainly learn a lot and get a lot of ideas on how to make improvements by participating here as well.
- Michael