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 From:  Michael Gibson
1911.2 In reply to 1911.1 
Hi lee, welcome to MoI!

> How can I clean up this circle leftover from a boolean join after
> deleting the face (sphere).

It's a bit of an involved process, but you can do that by a process of using Edit/Separate to break the object into individual surfaces, then select edges that you want to preserve, use Copy to copy those edges, then use Delete to "untrim" the surface and recover the underlying surface, then paste in the edges you copied and re-trim the surface.

It's a lot easier when the cut you want to remove is in the middle of a surface where you can just untrim it and you're done - with it intersecting the outer boundary of the surface like you have there you're likely going to need to re-trim it afterwards.

There is some additional information and some illustrations for untrimming on this post:

And a more detailed tutorial on object repair techniques here:

The second one is more of what you'll have to do in this case.

If you'd like to upload the model here I can repair it for you if you want.

> Also, is there a way to join two objects at the seam and still be
> able to fillet? I haven't had any luck with this even with the
> centers snapped perfect. Thanks

Could you post the model for this one so I can take a look? It is hard to know what the problem could be on this one by just looking at the screenshot. You're probably just running into a bug in filleting but it may be fixed in v2.

- Michael
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 From:  lee
1911.3 In reply to 1911.2 
Thanks Michael! Here's the model, I would like to fix the hole in the top and join the handle to top and base with fillets.

EDITED: 25 Aug 2008 by LEE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1911.4 In reply to 1911.3 
Hi lee, here is the top patched up.

To use this, unzip the attachment then delete the top piece in your model that has the hole in it and use File/Import to bring in this new top that has the hole healed.

I'll take a look at the fillet in a moment.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1911.5 In reply to 1911.3 
Hi lee - for the fillets, there does seem to be a misalignment between the pieces, if you zoom in to the top view you can see it:

That will cause a really small edge to be formed there when those pieces are cut with one another and that little tiny edge tends to get in the way of filleting.

It looks like those pieces may have ended up with a slight rotation to them or some kind of deviation from the world axis - if I line up that one area the bottom areas are still not aligned...

I'll see what I can do to patch up that part though, since it looks like it may be a bit difficult to get a full alignment between the existing pieces it is probably easiest to use the "low level" surface/surface filleting mechanism instead of the edge-based filleting. That is a slightly different style of fillet where you do it on 2 individual surfaces that you select it will be able to build the fillet surfaces but then there is some manual trimming to do afterwards.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1911.6 In reply to 1911.3 
Hi lee - I've attached here some surfaces with the handle filleted into the bottom.

To merge this into your existing model, delete the 4 large surfaces - the 2 for the bottom handle, then the 2 for the bottom of the upper housing, then use File/Import to import the attached model and then Edit/Join to join it to the rest of the model.

That sort of varying alignment between the pieces made this a bit touchy to construct, to do it I used Edit/Separate to break things into individual surfaces, and instead of trying to boolean or cut those surfaces with each other directly instead I used Fillet to build a surface/surface fillet between them.

The surface/surface fillet (which will be done if you select 2 individual unconnected surfaces and then run Construct/Fillet) can create fillet surfaces in places where the regular edge-based one will fail. But then you often have to do some cleanup work on the fillet like here I had to trim the fillets with a line to clean them up so they would match up and could be joined.

Somewhere along the line those pieces got kind of slightly off-axis, the regular boolean and fillet type procedure would have probably worked here if the pieces were all aligned to the world axis.

But anyway I hope this filleted version will be helpful.

- Michael

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 From:  lee
1911.7 In reply to 1911.6 
Wow worked great. I didn't realize a fillet could be built that way, or that an object could be "untrimmed" for that matter :) Not a big deal to trim the fillets so they'll join.

Thanks Michael.
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 From:  Anis
1911.8 In reply to 1911.7 
Hi Michael...

Would you like to post some images that explain step by step how to fillet the model ?
A video will be better, then you can upload to moi wiki or free file hosting.

For me, sometimes fillet is difficult to create in MoI.
Maybe I dont know the trick.

Thanks !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1911.9 In reply to 1911.8 
Hi Anis, here is a screencap of how to use surface/surface fillet to fillet this case.

This surface modeling technique can be used in places where the edge-based filleting has problems.

Download video

Or play here:

- Michael
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