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 From:  Anis
1909.2 In reply to 1909.1 
Hi Marco....

You are the best !!!
Would you like to give me print screen of :

1. MoI 3D sketch that construct the 3D surface
2. MoI 3D surfaces, WITHOUT rendering ?

Thanks !
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 From:  marcorhino
1909.3 In reply to 1909.2 
Thanks Anis,
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1909.4 In reply to 1909.1 
Looks great as usual, your car modelling is superb, Marco.

Just wondering on behalf of the rest of the guys and myself if you could post some early stages of your next car project just to see your technique in setting up construction curves that you use for your surfacing and any other tips you could share, it would be a great contribution to the forum.

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 From:  Anis
1909.5 In reply to 1909.3 
Thank Marco.... :)

Now, we are waiting for your car modeling tutorial use MoI ;)

Cheers !
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Your direct Moi Bueprint3D lines are somptuous!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  marcorhino
1909.7 In reply to 1909.5 
Hi, all

To soon it think to realize a tutorial for the forum
(Audi A4 2008)

Moi is very very great software.


Marco (marcorhino)
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 From:  marcorhino
1909.8 In reply to 1909.7 
Hi, Frenchy

I do not understand the word "somptuous! "

Excuse me but very basic my English.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1909.9 In reply to 1909.8 
splendid, sumptuous ;
(my english is also some basic so I had made a little error ;)
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 From:  all2000 (SPEEDY)
Your job leaves me without words-
Te lo dico in Italiano, credo Tu lo sia come Me
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1909.11 In reply to 1909.1 
Fantastic Marco!

And I really like the blue-background wireframe shots as well, those have a nice look to them.

- Michael
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 From:  Timspfd
1909.12 In reply to 1909.11 
Elegant modeling, brava
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 From:  marcorhino
1909.13 In reply to 1909.12 
thanks, all

Italiano come te All2000

Marco (marcorhino)
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