Mesh To Solid alternative ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1901.7 In reply to 1901.5 
> Agreed but it seems like IGES could be another
> option that will come into MoI ?

It doesn't look like it handles any kind of NURBS surface data at all unfortunately - it mentions:

IGES (entity 106)
IGES (entity 110/102)

Entity 110 is a line curve, and entity 106 is a kind of set of point data which is sometimes used by a few programs as a way to store a polygon in an IGES file but not really widely supported. MoI's IGES reader will read in certain forms of entity 106 as a polyline curve.

It usually does not work very well to try and convert a polygon mesh object with a large number of facets in it into a NURBS solid with a trimmed surface for each facet - the entire structure of NURBS solids is intended to have surfaces made up of larger sheets instead of tons of little flat pieces. There is some overhead to the NURBS structure because it stores stuff like trimming curve information, 3D curves, 2D UV curves, and surfaces for every piece - for a regular model with large sheets this works well (and enables many of the NURBS type functions such as better booleans, fillets, etc ...), but when all the surfaces are little tiny facets, all of this extra information tends to add a lot of memory consumption.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
1901.8 In reply to 1901.7 
Was wondering if any of this is possible at all.

Seems the holy grail.

If I bring in a 3d dxf from mesh, it does indeed have 10's of thousands of little segments.

Would be nice to "skin" the model with a surface then delete the segs. ???

Thanks for the input,

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1901.9 In reply to 1901.8 
Hi Burr, there are specialized kinds of reverse engineering software that will do that kind of a thing, it is a pretty detailed process of fitting surfaces to that scanned data.

Some software you could try for that:

Raindrop Geomagic:
headus CySlice:

A few different ones for Rhino are listed here:

Some of the best software for doing this tends to be like in the $10,000 range or so, it is not an easy thing to handle.

MoI is just not focused on this entire area of reverse engineering, I don't think that it is really feasible for it to ever really get focused on that myself but maybe in future versions when I have more emphasis on enabling 3rd party plugins, some other developers may offer some kinds of plugins to do that kind of a thing...

Rhino generally has a lot more of these kinds of reverse-engineering type tools in it, so if you need to do that kind of a thing probably Rhino would work best for that purpose.

So it is definitely possible, but it is not a focus area for MoI, you'll need to explore other software to handle it.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
1901.10 In reply to 1901.9 
Thanks Michael, good to know.

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