Import Second Life Sculpties into Moi
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1897.19 In reply to 1897.17 
Hi Anis,

> Any body can tell me what is sculpt map ?
> How we can create it ?

It's a particular kind of file format used by the Second Life simulator/game software.

One way to create one is to create a surface in MoI and then use the 3dm2sculpt converter program available here: .

There is some more general information on them available here:

They are only of use if you are using the "Second Life" program though, they are not used by anything else.

- Michael
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 From:  jbshorty
1897.20 In reply to 1897.16 
Thanks for your explanation. I imagine they could also resize the image "on the fly", and therefore reduce mesh density based on distance from camera. it's a very interesting concept...


"The other thing for their purposes is you can easily do some stuff like sample a few points in it to make a rougher version.

- Michael"
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