A scale model car
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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
@marcorhino: Thank you. :-)
@kevjon: I wanted to make a render, but I´m fighting with kerkythea a few days ago, and I´m loosing everytime :-). Anyway, I laid the parts out flat only for show them like if they were on a table, ready for start to built.
@contact7: Sure, but the more tedious job was to separate the parts for the layout (also my computer was very slowly in the final)
@WillBellJr: Something like this? http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=6FeQWjhcpTM I love that kind of videos, but it´s so complicated....:-)
@Michael: Thanks. Actually, the idea was to make "something" that could work. Now, the parts could work in a small scale, joining them with glue. But I think that it can works in a bigger scale tunning up any parts making a pivot pins and holes in any pieces and a screwed join in other. :-)
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 From:  AlanMc

I'd be really appreciate it if you could explain how you manage to keep your files ordered and tidy to achieve such results? I normally use XSI and am a heavy user of layers in order to achieve my desired file management. For example, I keep all construction curves and other assets in one layer. I also place the car body in its own layer and the wheels in another.

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Really Nice modeling David! Love the detail keep it going.
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 From:  PaQ
1822.10 In reply to 1822.9 
Really cool model indeed :)

@Alan, I feel your pain :) ... I don't know for David, but what I often do when my model is starting to be to heavy is to use different session of MoI, one with the complete object, and the other one where I cut/paste part I want to detail ...
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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
1822.11 In reply to 1822.8 
Hi AlanMc:

In anothers programs -AutoCAD, Rhino...-, I use always layers (sometimes too much), and I like always to keep all the auxiliar lines in their layers. I usually don´t erase nothing.
In this case, I only can to manage the hide feature, for an easiest way of work. But I have to recognize that it is a tedious job, because I must to look for the auxiliar lines or objects and select them. Finally, if the draw is finished, I made a copy and I erase all the auxiliar lines (for render, layouts or share a lighter file), but always keeping the original model with all the objects.
Anyway this model is not complicated, because It is absolutely symetrical, and objects like the wheel (more complex and heavies), are mirroed and copied in the last step. :-)
About to manage some files, I´m not used to draw in those way, but I think that it is the best way in the complex models.
Sorry for this boring speech :-)
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