Moi - thanks and some suggestions
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 From:  Michael Gibson
182.8 In reply to 182.7 
> A little field by the slider stating the total number of polygons would be nice :)

I messed with this a little bit before, but it started to swell up the size of the dialog which was unpleasant.

So I was thinking of spewing this information into the area in the upper-right where the command options normally go.

I wish that all the mesh controls could go over there instead of in a dialog, because I hate having the dialog cover up the viewport area. Everything in the normal flow of regular commands is set up to avoid having dialogs that cover the screen. But since the save command has already broken the pattern by showing the file save dialog, it seemed kind of too subtle to put the controls over there in the regular place instead of in a dialog, I think that there would be some confusion if part of the command was a dialog and the next part was in the options area.

- Michael
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