recreating a rounded pyramid in moi.
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 From:  manz
1782.34 In reply to 1782.23 
>>I am again havving issues with a pyramid shape.

I would first look at lofting (loose) with 2 control curves close to intersections, and there will be a need to align control seam.

of course that is just a guess at what is wanted, but editing can be easily done via the control curves.

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
There is an another solution
Take a cube and make some Successive Boolean "Merge" between the cube and close rounded triangulated profiles!
So no need to use fillet ;)

you can rotate cube / profile or the inverse
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 From:  manz
1782.36 In reply to 1782.35 
Hi Plilou,

>>There is an another solution

The shape could be made in a number of different ways, but it is really down to what is actually wanted.

IMHO, attempting filleting on such a shape in MoI is not what I would do (at the moment) there are other options, lofting or network will work if a little time taken.
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 From:  BurrMan
1782.37 In reply to 1782.36 
I agree here with Manz as the filleting works in MoI but is giving the headaches in rendering system. My attempt with no fillet's using network. The shape is not his exact outcome though it's just a matter of drawing the curves as you want.

I'm going to render this later to see if produces a desirable result.


EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1782.38 In reply to 1782.37 
Was there anything that did not fullfill the need in my second image modelling approach of the post 1782.6?

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 From:  telnoi
1782.39 In reply to 1782.33 
>>So not like the shape you posted originally. (c4d image)

No, but I had a limited amount of reference to work with. I fixed the issue after discussing the model with someone who has the product. Regardless, I ended up with the correct shape because of your combined efforts.
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