Old Door by Steph
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 From:  Thor (MCHANNEMANN)
178.2 In reply to 178.1 
Awesome Steph !!

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 From:  f700es
Well, I am done now. No need to draw anything else EVER!! ;)

Well done!!!!!!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
178.4 In reply to 178.1 
Wow!!! Beautiful model. Just gorgeous.

> With many big objects, moves at the screen becomes a little "slowly"? :)
> Maybe some optimizations are again possible?

Well, it's been optimized quite heavily already... There probably won't be any gains in raw display speed for V1.

In the future it will be possible to improve the speed for dense models, but it will mostly involve degrading the display, such as using level of detail to display rougher versions for small objects, using normal aliased line drawing instead of the anti-aliased curve drawing, or using a wireframe mode instead of shaded mode. I don't expect to have these ready for V1 though.

It's the small details and small curved areas that cause a problem - for instance those little teeny-tiny spheres on the lamps get a display mesh of the same density as the larger spheres. Little tiny fillets get the same display mesh density as a large fillet, because the display mesh is based on surface curvature. With tons of little tiny curved things, that adds up to a huge number of polygons.

The main thing you can do right now to speed this up is to reduce the display density - go to Options, and there is a section for "Meshing parameters" - change Surface angle and Trim curve angle to something like 20 degrees. Also turning off the display of hidden-line curves and edges will also speed up curve display.

The default mesh density is set to quite high so that you can see more of the quality of the surfaces you are constructing and not get distracted by visible polygons and jagged outlines so much. But if you're working on a highly detailed model you may need to turn the quality down somewhat.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
178.5 In reply to 178.4 
In some progs when you have some same objects, when you "named" the first and copy it, it's less heavy than x time a same object without "named"!
Is that possible in Moi in the futur?
Useful for example for the little spheres of the Steph lamp post reflector :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
178.6 In reply to 178.5 
> Is that possible in Moi in the futur?

At some point yes, but not for quite a while though.

But this type of instancing thing would probably help in a different type of "heavy"-ness - these types of duplicated objects would take up less system RAM, but it probably would not help so much with display speed though.

> Useful for example for the little spheres of the Steph lamp post reflector :)

It depends - if those spheres are booleaned to the main structure, then that type of copying probably won't be able to be used, it would most likely be only for totally independent objects.

It is possible that the edge curve drawing is actually slowing down the display on that model more than the meshes... There isn't currently any way to set it to draw rougher edge curves, I may be able to add something in for that.

- Michael
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