Flat panels
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 From:  BurrMan
1753.15 In reply to 1753.14 
Thanks, I'll research it more to know what it means.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1753.16 In reply to 1753.15 
Hi Burr, another example would be like if you wanted to build a big sphere in your back yard.

If you went to a contractor and asked them to build it, they might say something like: The lumber yard does not have any spheres, we have to build your sphere out of pieces of wood, how many pieces of wood would you like us to use?

The kind of "ideal sphere" design is itself not easy to build because there aren't any materials that match it exactly. You have to break it down using more commonly available materials like boards, sheet metal, etc...

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
1753.17 In reply to 1753.16 
Ah, So paneling is more like taking your model and nesting or sheeting it to a specific material set?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1753.18 In reply to 1753.17 
> Ah, So paneling is more like taking your model and nesting
> or sheeting it to a specific material set?

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1753.19 In reply to 1753.13 
> Since it is a pretty complex area, that just naturally goes with it being a normal thing that you will have to buy some kind of more specialized software to do it.

Ok, Michael. Thank you very much for your attention. I'll read a bit more about Paracloud and even about the Rhino plugins.
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