How do you model a car in Moi?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1749.45 In reply to 1749.44 
All right you guys, that's probably enough on the "who could do what" type stuff, that's just starting to devolve a bit here, and it is way off the original topic of how to model a car.

All the stuff about "high end" versus "low end" has probably been covered enough here for a while at least.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1749.46 In reply to 1749.44 
Hi Burr,

>> I am surely a novice. However, the original discussion wasnt that MoI can replace ALL OTHER design packages. No ONE design package can DO IT ALL! Even the most clouded intelligence can surely see that.

I said it comes close to do it all, in the 'hard' engineering/Industrial design type of stuff I'm not trying to promote NX or put it on a pedestal, I was just trying to point out that in my line of business it is the only tool we need, I bought MoI for personal use because of it's ease of use and refreshing interface which was ideal for my hobby and to express ideas and MoI is quite capable of doing accurate modeling for real world stuff as well (I did a successful job at home) but it would not suit at work at this stage for our type of business, not even as a companion.

>> And as for how fast you could make the same part I made. I would love to see you at your workstation, nothing open, and Michael at his, and see who finished their part first.

As for speed if you know your softwares capabilities and where everything lives you can't compare and there are a whole lot of other factors involved.
Define speed? speed of modeling, speed of editing a model, speed of repositioning a hole, speed of assembly of components ??

I can go on with this for days, but because you are a novice I don't expect you to fully understand.
Just enjoy MoI, grow with it and create stuff that makes you and your friends smile.
I'm sure MoI will become even better as time goes on and I'm sticking with it.

I think thats it on this matter, my apology's to Bogdan and Michael for the hijacking of this thread.

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 From:  manz
1749.47 In reply to 1749.20 
Hi Micheal,

>>sorry I leapt to an incorrect conclusion there.

I was starting to get annoyed, certainly as I was actually backing your program. Anyway, move on.

- Steve
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 From:  manz
1749.48 In reply to 1749.19 
Hi Bogdan,

>>I could have picked a much more easier subject, like a WV Beatle for example. But I wanted to push my skills and MoI as much as possible and I have picked this BMW M5; here is the blueprint:

You could certainly of picked an easier car to model. Are you sure you would not prefer something that will not take a long time to complete?
I dont mind modeling that car, but as I say, due to short spare time, the complexity and a need to show all steps with explanation, it could /would take quite a while.
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