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 From:  Michael Gibson
1743.13 In reply to 1743.12 
Hi isaac,

> These new manipulation handles are cool. Not sure if you've
> done this already and i can't find it but maybe also include a
> snap point for flattening your selection or scaling your selection
> so it is planar. Like flattening a selection of points .

That's a great idea isaac, tomorrow I will take a look at doing that.

I don't think it will be very difficult to add a "flat" snap in there.

> BTW how soon before we see the layer/organizing system?

I didn't get quite everything that I had wanted into the first beta, so I think I'm going to work on some of that for a couple more weeks here, and then put out a second beta with another batch of stuff in it, then I think I'll be starting in on the organization system for the 3rd beta.

- Michael
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 From:  Bogdan
1743.14 In reply to 1743.13 

I've got some ideas for future versions:

- filter the selection by components: points, edges, faces, curves
- Lasso selection
- Raycast selection like XSI
- Eraser to interactively delete components
- Deform by curve, lattice, surface
- Proportional modeling like moving one point will affect surounding points determined by a radius
- Symmetric modeling like building/modifying a curve/solid in both axes at the same time
- Option for Expert mode :) - to hide the menus and tabs with Tab key
- maybe Zebra command one day ? :)

Thanks for reading and please forgive me if anyone have said already about any of these suggestions.
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 From:  BurrMan
1743.15 In reply to 1743.14 
There are customized user interface's you can get in this forum. A guy named ash makes a good one for your "expert mode". Larger monitors and such.
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 From:  tyglik
Hi Michael,

I had some notes related to grips & snap on for those new stuff but you seem to have wiped it out completely above :)
So only two remains:

Could the grips be visible only inside of viewport the mouse is over like view control tabs at the bottom of viewport does?

There is no way to flip an object exactly when you scale using "scale from opposite corner", isn't it?

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 From:  tyglik
1743.17 In reply to 1743.14 
Hi Bogdan,

>>filter the selection by components: points, edges, faces, curves

You can do this by custom command. See http://kyticka.webzdarma.cz/3d/moi/#SelectByType

Maybe, it is worth mentioning you can select all edges or faces of object by selecting one edge or face in so called drill-in mode and after then you just click a "Sel all" button (Ctrl+A) or drag a selection window over object.

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 From:  Bogdan
1743.18 In reply to 1743.17 
Hi Petr,

Thanks for the link. Much appreciated.
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 From:  Anis
1743.19 In reply to 1743.13 
Nice start for V2 Michael...

>I didn't get quite everything that I had wanted into the first beta,
>so I think I'm going to work on some of that for a couple more weeks here,
>and then put out a second beta with another batch of stuff in it,
>then I think I'll be starting in on the organization system for the 3rd beta.

Take a rest first Michael, then put your brilliant idea into object organization :-)
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 From:  BurrMan
1743.20 In reply to 1743.19 
>I had some notes related to grips & snap on for those new stuff but you seem to have wiped it out completely >above :)
>So only two remains:

Please look at your forum settings for what to view (a dropdown box at top of thread list). You can scroll to the bottom and "View all" also.

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 From:  tyglik
1743.21 In reply to 1743.20 
Hi Burr,

I didn't mean that Michael censores my post or those notes disappered; I just meant Michael had already explained why the new frame widget works in that way in the previous messages.


ps: English is not my native language :)
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 From:  BurrMan
1743.22 In reply to 1743.21 
My bad. Dont hold it against me. Also I see your Petr, and recognize you as a senior user. I will try to pay attention more.

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 From:  tyglik
1743.23 In reply to 1743.22 
Don't worry Burr, it's okay! -Petr
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Why we can't catch the pivot's axe for move the objet from this pivot?
It disapears as soons as the mouse move over :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1743.25 In reply to 1743.16 
Hi Petr,

> Could the grips be visible only inside of viewport the mouse is
> over like view control tabs at the bottom of viewport does?

Sorry I didn't answer you earlier, I was kind of thinking this one over a bit.

I'm not quite entirely sure about this one yet. My first impression was that it made sense, but then I starting having a few second thoughts, like it may give a feel of kind of flickering in the middle of the view (it may seem slightly like your selection is changing somehow), and I kind of like that you can see the rotation grip in the Front and Right views when you select something in the Top view, it seems like that may help some people see more immediately that there is a quick way to flip things up by 90 degrees...

But it should be pretty easy to try out, I'll see if I can experiment with that some tomorrow.

> There is no way to flip an object exactly when you scale using "scale
> from opposite corner", isn't it?

You mean in the diagonal direction? Because you do get that sort of "full mirror command" style flipping to flip in the x or y axis directions.

The diagonal direction just seemed kind of unusual to add in, it just did not seem quite as similar to the regular mirror command, it would be kind of mirroring at a 45 degree angle...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1743.26 In reply to 1743.24 
Hi Pilou,

> Why we can't catch the pivot's axe for move the objet
> from this pivot?

For rotation you can move the pivot by clicking (instead of dragging) on the rotation grip.

That will switch into a special rotation mode where the center pivot stays on the screen and you can then click or drag on it to reposition it to a different spot to control what you are rotating around.

> It disapears as soons as the mouse move over :)

Yes, that's a feature! :) It helps to keep the screen from becoming too cluttered, that's why it won't "stick" unless you call for it by clicking on the rotation grip.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1743.27 In reply to 1743.26 
Yes but it will be useful to "move" the object(s) from this pivot!
It's a sort of center of the Edit box
As it 's calculated, that's easy to use is, (if possible of course :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1743.28 In reply to 1743.27 
Hi Pilou,

> Yes but it will be useful to "move" the object(s) from this pivot!

I do want to add a method to accomplish that, but it will probably be in the object properties panel where you will get some information about the objects' bounding box size (and where you can edit it numerically). I think I would also like to have a spot there to show the bounding box's center point and also have a method to edit that there as well. But I don't quite know exactly how that will turn out yet.

Currently it is a big focus for the edit frame to stay out of the way of your object as much as possible.

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
1743.29 In reply to 1743.25 
Hi Michael,

>>You mean in the diagonal direction?


>>Because you do get that sort of "full mirror command" style flipping to flip in the x or y axis directions.

Yes. I mean it is only possible to flip the object while keeping original object in its place when the centre pivot is located in the corner of the edit frame.

But yes, I see it now. Those alternatives are mutually exclusive. There is no way to have one snap point for both Mirror (original object is kept) and Flip (original object is "deleted").

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1743.30 In reply to 1743.14 
Hi Bogdan, I forgot to mention about this one:

> - Option for Expert mode :) - to hide the menus and tabs with Tab key

There is a script that will let you do this, check it out here:

Except you can't put it on the tab key, that is reserved currently for moving focus between different fields in some situations.

- Michael
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