Wish : Different image backdrop for the front and the back viewport.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1710.5 In reply to 1710.4 
Hi Bruce, re: Elevation / Plan - If I understand correctly, things should pretty much work like that already, because an image that is placed in the Top view for "Plan" would be viewed exactly from the edge in the Front or Right views, so it won't show up in those views.

But this is different for a view and it's reverse, like Front/Back (you can click on "Front" a second time to switch it to the reverse "Back" view).

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
Hi Michael,

No it's perfect like that :) I was working in 'show in ortho only', with transparency at 50%, and I miss the fact there I can change the depth (y position) for the front and the back image. Indeed with transparency off I can now have a different image for my front/back viewport.

Thanks a lot for you support, more over when it's a stupid user mistake/misunderstanding :o)
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