Unify for version 2
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1701.2 In reply to 1701.1 
Hi Moe - if you have surfaces that are sitting next to each other, you should be able to make them have unified normals at export time by using the Join command to glue them together at their common edges.

MoI will do some extra work at export time when surfaces are joined together, to orient the normals in a consistent way. MoI also does work to create synchronized mesh vertices along these joined edges to make sure they have the same kind of mesh structure there to prevent any gaps or little cracks from happening between them.

I do also want to add a flip mechanism inside MoI like you are asking about, I am going to try to have that sometime in v2.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1701.3 In reply to 1701.2 
One other quick note - also it can help if you not just join pieces together but also join them together to make a fully closed solid. MoI should be able to figure out the proper "outside" direction for a closed shape like that automatically and orient the normals in the expected direction.

- Michael
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1701.4 In reply to 1701.3 
Thanks Michael for the answer this should help a bit. I was testing out my Razor phone and it was all different fliped polys when I brought it in. I will try the join command and see how that all works. Thanks again for the quick response. Take care.
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