Not really a MoI question ...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1683.5 In reply to 1683.3 
Hi stinkie,

> Or more like, say, two planes that have a common edge?

Yes - like that.

Like for example say you create a shape by sweeping some curves that are not closed, that creates a surface instead of a volume, like this:

It's sort of like a sheet.

Now say I create a second surface sheet adjacent to that, for example by extrusion:

These are now 2 separate objects (that's what I mean by "individual" surfaces). This is the kind of situation where you do need to use Join to glue them together into a single object that has a shared edge in it - that way that shared edge will get meshed without any holes or cracks appearing along the edge. That applies to MoI and Rhino both.

- Michael

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 From:  stinkie
Ah, I see! Thanks, Jonah and Michael. Have a nice weekend!
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