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 From:  Michael Gibson
1668.8 In reply to 1668.5 
Hi Bruce, yup I already have that one on my todo list, to make an option for array grid and array dir to define the full extent instead of the incremental extent.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1668.9 In reply to 1668.6 
Hi Paul,

> If we could have a preview tick box and a BACK button below
> the 'axis spacing this would make it more flexible
> as a command with the ability to see and change without
> leaving the cmd......just a thought ;-)

Hmm, unfortunately these ones are a bit difficult to add without making array stick out and behave differently than other commands.

I've generally tried to avoid having a special "preview" button in MoI - instead it just automatically does previews when it can. Array grid tends to be a potentially rather "heavy" case though since it can create quite a large number of objects... So to keep it running smoothly in all cases it does not currently do a preview. Maybe in the future I could do something like detect when it is going to make less than 30 objects or so and go ahead and do it dynamically then.

re: Back button - that is also a good idea, but it is something that I would probably want to go in and add into every command, not just one single one. But of course that is a lot of work so it might take quite a while before I can gather up time to do that.

- Michael
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 From:  jbshorty
1668.10 In reply to 1668.9 
Once you have a wireframe display mode, you could use that for array preview. Or maybe just use bounding boxes to represent the clones...

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