Hi Jonah - right, so the text as shown on this actual model is not editable in Rhino.
The thing with the post-editing tools is that a whole bunch of them are mostly applicable to very detailed and advanced modeling like car body modeling and are often not used in many other modeling scenarios.
But for jewelry design the warping and morphing type functions do come into play way more often though.
Those warping tools are kind of a general transformation kind of category of stuff, they don't really have much to do with with detailed surface tweaking stuff like control point editing / rebuild / match does.
It is pretty helpful for people who want to do Jewelry design in MoI to also have Rhino available to them to use those warping tools when needed.
> Do we have warping tools on the wish list for version X? :)
Certainly! It's just a pretty tough job to warp a solid and make sure that all the resulting surfaces in it have all the joined surface edges still stitched together within a good tolerance.
But it may be possible for me to license some code for this from another company - if that works out well it would definitely accelerate getting this into MoI. I'm not quite sure how that will work out yet though.
You Guys will have to forgive Smitty,,,jewcan,,Pat,,whatever his name be.. He'd post on the Disney forum if he thought someone would pat him on the back.
> But it may be possible for me to license some code for this from another company - if that works out well it would definitely accelerate getting this into MoI.