Vidéo tutorial
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 From:  karter
1649.8 In reply to 1649.7 
Hey Michael,

I do like your small gif's and I know from friends that Camtasia is the business but im not keen on spending $300 at the minute especially when it would be just to communicate on the web. I will take a look at Camstudio (looks like a fellow brit is running that show but im not sure ?)....

I would like to purchase another seat of MoI after V2 is released, plus an upgrade so I would rather save the cash for that...decisions, decisions!!

Thx for the heads up ;-)
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1649.9 In reply to 1649.8 
Hi Paul,
Good free combo is Camstudio as mentioned and this Avi to Gif converter called Movies13.......

Hope this helps.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1649.10 In reply to 1649.9 
Start by using Wink.
It's free and well known and accepted by everyone.

(And the free version of Camtasia is pretty nice to learn on and use as you save up for the Pro version anyway)
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 From:  Colin
1649.11 In reply to 1649.8 
Hi Paul,

There's a program that I've used many years ago called GIF Construction Set Professional.
I had an earlier version & it was very easy to learn & use, so I'm assuming this newer version would be much the same?
Here's a link to the website.

Hope it's of use, Colin
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 From:  karter
1649.12 In reply to 1649.9 
Hi Danny,

Ohhh yes, that will do nicely mate - Thanks !

Hi Colin,

Thanks for the link but i'll try Camstudio + Addon Movies13 and see if I can't cook something up. Like I said, it will just be used
to communicate on this forum probably so Camtasia is a little too good for this space :-)

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 From:  -Gwozik- (PP)
My school own a licence for "allcapture" (100 €)
It is quiet easy to use and seems to have almost the same features as camstudio (except quiz an animated gif).

Thanks for the information about Adobe Captivate recorder but it's quiet expensive, and there is no demo version.

Software called "Keylogger's" do exactly what I'm looking for, unfortunatly, they don't display keyboard input, they store it in a file.

Freekeyloger displays keyboard input, but don't show keyboard shortcuts, like "CTRL C".

I've also found KeyboardTest
which is almost perfect for my use except for one detail : It only display keyboard input when his window is active.

I'll be looking for a solution a few days more, then, I'll do the tutorials, without keyboard display.

I'll post here when the tutorials will be ready.

Thanks everyone.

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