Question : Failed fillet
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 From:  manz
1640.9 In reply to 1640.8 
Hi Keith,

If you would, please post the model. I have been creating models the best I can from the view you post and dont see a problem. It may be just the view and I am not building the same, or it may be an error in your model, but it is hard to say.

In the UK, I am in Lancashire.

- manz
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 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
1640.10 In reply to 1640.9 
Hi Manz and Micheal

Here is the model. After some fiddling I did manage to fillet the bit I posted about but I still can't fillet the portion behind where the cylinder head is to be fitted (top middle).

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1640.11 In reply to 1640.10 
Hi Keith,

> but I still can't fillet the portion behind where the cylinder head is to
> be fitted (top middle).

I'm not quite sure of the area you're referring to, is it this one here:

That's certainly going to be difficult to fillet - not only is there not much space in the flat part, but since the rounded part on top is flush with the side wall below it, it causes a kind of "vanishing fillet" type situation where the fillet would kind of narrow down to a single point, those are not handled very well by the filleter right now.

It will probably require some pretty low-level and pretty involved individual surface manipulation to finish up that part, the more "automatic" edge filleter is not able to handle that area. I can try to help you with that some more tomorrow if you want, but I want to make sure of the area you want to have filleted first.

- Michael

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