Question : Failed fillet
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 From:  WillBellJr
I've noticed at times that if you break apart everything and rejoin, a fillet will then work - not sure why, perhaps it just internally reorganizes stuff which makes it work better.

There's a bunch of tips around here (hopefully collected somewhere?) about fillets - even how to get variable width fillets etc. Finding this info may be helpful (I need to collect up this info also!) Perhaps someone has a link to all the fillet tips and info...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1640.4 In reply to 1640.3 
Hi Will - if re-joining helped, that may be an indication that there were some "naked" edges in the model. Those are edges that did not end up getting joined to one another even though they are right next to each other.

The edge filleter needs to know about surface adjacency so naked edges will prevent fillets from being formed in that area.

If you see that happening, if you can remember how that object was constructed please let me know, because that construction command will need to get tuned up to make sure those edges are properly joined.

I did have an example of this just recently where this can happen when using Boolean Union on surfaces that are touching edge-to-edge (instead of in a situation where the pieces are intersecting and pushing through each other). I should be able to fix that one up, but if that is what you are running into that can be fixed by using Join to glue surfaces along overlapping edges, rather than boolean union for that particular kind of thing.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ

I have isolate the problem here (attachment).
I have indeed do a lot of Booleans/Union in this job.

I have tried to separate/rejoin but it doesnt help.

I'll post an other fillet funny behavior I had with my headphone object, where doing a fillet on a selected edge explode the fillet from an other part :o)
(I'll post it asap, have to finish a job first :))

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
I am trying to fillet a fairly simple shape. I have posted a picture below. The cpu has been calculating for about 15 minutes and nothing has happened. Is this normal? I have also noticed that if I have a shape, as in this case, that combines curves with straight edges the fillet command fails to work. Any suggestions on how I can round off the edges of this model. Its supposed to be a motorcycle engine when its done.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
1640.7 In reply to 1640.6 
Hi Keith, it is really difficult to give you a good answer by just looking at a screenshot, can you please post the model file or send it to me at

My best guess from looking at the screenshot would be that possibly your straight section and your curved section may not be meeting each other in a completely tangent/smooth type way.

When surfaces like that meet at a very shallow creased angle, it tends to make things really difficult for the filleter to do some of the offset + intersection calculations. That may be why it is crunching away for a long time, but it is hard to say without being able to examine the model more closely.

It also may be difficult for the filleter to handle the corners along the sides of doing just that particular edge instead of the whole set of edges along that entire face.

You may also need to use a pretty small radius, there does not look like there is very much room there for the fillet to fit, try using something like 0.01 units and see if that works or not.

Another thing you can do if the edge filleter is unable to finish is to break your model apart into surfaces by using Edit/Separate and then create fillets by selecting 2 surfaces at a time and running Fillet - that will do a surface/surface fillet calculation instead of an edge-based one, it will tend to work to create a fillet surface where the edge one got confused due to difficulty in processing corner junctures. However, you will have to then trim and fill in corners yourself with that method.

- Michael
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 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
1640.8 In reply to 1640.7 
Hi Michael
Thanks for answering so promptly, its late here in the uk so will look through your reply properly tomorrow.
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 From:  manz
1640.9 In reply to 1640.8 
Hi Keith,

If you would, please post the model. I have been creating models the best I can from the view you post and dont see a problem. It may be just the view and I am not building the same, or it may be an error in your model, but it is hard to say.

In the UK, I am in Lancashire.

- manz
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 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
1640.10 In reply to 1640.9 
Hi Manz and Micheal

Here is the model. After some fiddling I did manage to fillet the bit I posted about but I still can't fillet the portion behind where the cylinder head is to be fitted (top middle).

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1640.11 In reply to 1640.10 
Hi Keith,

> but I still can't fillet the portion behind where the cylinder head is to
> be fitted (top middle).

I'm not quite sure of the area you're referring to, is it this one here:

That's certainly going to be difficult to fillet - not only is there not much space in the flat part, but since the rounded part on top is flush with the side wall below it, it causes a kind of "vanishing fillet" type situation where the fillet would kind of narrow down to a single point, those are not handled very well by the filleter right now.

It will probably require some pretty low-level and pretty involved individual surface manipulation to finish up that part, the more "automatic" edge filleter is not able to handle that area. I can try to help you with that some more tomorrow if you want, but I want to make sure of the area you want to have filleted first.

- Michael

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