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 From:  Michael Gibson
1635.7 In reply to 1635.6 
Hi Paul, that one is a bit awkward.

For drawing a line of a particular length, it may be easier to not use construction lines and just draw the line starting at that point, type in "100" for the length (you can just type that directly without clicking, your keystrokes will go in to the x,y,z coordinate box but if you enter a single number in there it will get applied as the distance constraint).

Then grab the line at the midpoint and drag it over to reposition it. That's a bit less mouse gymnastics for that particular thing.

You don't have to use the "Move" command for the repositioning like you would in Rhino - just regular dragging will do it if object snaps are turned on. Grab the line near the midpoint and when you drag it you should see "Mid" highlighted on it until you snap it on to the End of the other one.

One thing that would make that cline maneuver a lot easier would be if you could enter the distance constraint before starting the cline and have it applied to it. This actually works for drawing regular lines (for example you can enter the constraint distance before picking any points and it will get applied when it is possible for it to have an effect), but it does not get picked up in this way for construction lines. I think it will not be difficult for me to patch this up for v2 though.

- Michael
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 From:  karter
1635.8 In reply to 1635.7 
>>One thing that would make that cline maneuver a lot easier would be if you could enter the distance constraint before starting the cline and have it applied to it. This actually works for drawing regular lines (for example you can enter the constraint distance before picking any points and it will get applied when it is possible for it to have an effect), but it does not get picked up in this way for construction lines. I think it will not be difficult for me to patch this up for v2 though.

Thanks for the advice and the above sounds just the job !

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